Beware: If it Can Happen to Pluto, it Can Happen to You

It can.

Don’t be surprised if one morning you wake up and find out that a congressional committee has de-classified you. You show up for work and your boss says, “Sorry. You are no longer a full-human. You can stay here, but you will only get half the pay.”

I tell ya, it must suck to be Pluto today–not even on par with Uranus anymore.

Weren’t they just considering adding one-two more planets??

Yeah, but apparently it’s EASIER to just say, hey, Pluto, you can’t be a planet anymore.
Don’t worry, Pluto, you’ll always be a planet in my heart.

so wait what…? pluto is just no longer a planet?


Nothing is on par with my… awww, I can’t say it. :stuck_out_tongue:


its about time…Pluto is a pepple not a planet

No Pluto? That’s Goofy! Are they taking the Mickey?

Dwarf planet? That’s not very PC! I have it on good authority that Pluto would prefer to be classified as a “little” planet.

it’s about the oil

more info

if u want more info go 2

its a whole website about it

So they spent a whole lot of money sending New Horizons to Pluto and now they are just sending it to another rock in the sky. Hmmm, I think that Pluto will come back as a planet.


you guys, its just a fricken rock. so is earth. who cares whether people call it a planet or not, theyre all just rocks goin round the sun. woop-de-friggin-doo.

If Pluto is a planet, it’s moon had ought to be, too.

pluto is smaller than our moon isn’t it?

hey i’ve got an idea, let’s call everything that circles our sun in some fashion a planet! yeah that’s a great idea.


doenst it just screw up every science book ever written about planets! i mean now they have to re-write them all

hey i smidgen off topic if a guy got really fat and had his own gravitational pull could he call him self a sun? or just a dwarf planet?

Well we all do have our own gravitational pull. You pull the earth towards you as much as it pulls you. Newtons III law :wink:

Yes, but we’re not all the same size as a dwarf planet!:smiley:

I think if someone got big enough to have a gravitational pull that rivals a planet then they would probably die very soon.