beta of

great site my new look for will be coming online soon… :slight_smile:

Re: beta of

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 23:41:55 -0500, “leo” wrote:

>Finally I can announce the beta of ‘

Fabulous site, Leo! But I need broadband…

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

I’m the kind of guy who spreads peanut butter with a peanut butter wrench. - cyberbellum

Re: Re: beta of

Or increase your patience. I dropped proving streaming over rtsp:// and mms:// to please non-broadband users (with in deed a lot of patience).

But as I stated in the forlast pargraph of the first post it is ment for broadband users. As I can read remote host names… I think (from what I read in the media) your employer should now have enough budget to have a decent connection. As a matter of fact they have a large amount of network stuff in the server-room next to mine. So surfing from your workplace probably will go incredible fast.

I did not get any notify of your post…

In the development environtment of I had a couple of scripts that could create a total different kind interface to of a total different kind.
Login in could be done with excisting MSN, AIM, Yahoo or seperate id/pwd.
As you are news-agent user #1 here (and I think you’re right!) you will be the 1st one to know.
But that will take weeks, since I have other stuff to do.

Please note: I’m not planning to provide this potential user-interface in public.

Re: Re: beta of

Will change during UNICON and other events like haloween, valentinesday, etc.

Re: beta of

I wrote:
>>the colour scheme is quite nauseating.

and Leo responded:
> Will change during UNICON and other events like haloween, valentinesday,
> etc.

That’s a nice idea. Should be interesting.

Danny Colyer (the UK company has been laughed out of my reply address)
“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” - Thomas Paine