I was wondering what all of your favorite lines were. Also some great obstacles especially ones you can make. and pictures are great! I really liked a line i was doing today, i was hopping across sandwich boards to a angled skinnie from that up a stack of pallets and across a round skinnie.
That sounds like my sort of trials line.
I like technical stuff where there’s not neccessarily a high risk involved (usually pretty low obstacles) but often very little room for error. Gaps between skinnies are fun. I also like lines where you can use the wheel to your advantage in twisting around and wedging it between two obstacles. This happens a lot in natural trials where you can have fun doing 180’s, 270’s, 360’s, etc between rocks and swap between landing on the pointy bit and landing wedged between pointy bits.
I must say I am not much of a fan of the hopping stuff. I like to watch people RIDE a trials line using hops just to get from places where they can’t pedal to other places where they can. A unicycle is not a pogo stick, a series of hopping scenes isn’t something that rings my bell.
Well trials doesn’t usually have much riding in it unless you are moving between obstacles that are apart or you are riding skinnies.
I know this sounds stupid but my favorite kinds of lines are the ones that I can do. I do 90% of my riding in my front yard in the street or my driveway so when I go somewhere and I can find a trials line that I can do I get excited. I don’t mean really easy stupid things either. I like techy things that aren’t dangerous. A long time ago I made small obstacles from Andrew’s plans before unicycle.2ya.com was though of. I like to come up with creative ways to incorporate them into other harder lines.
I like flat gaping from pallets to pallets… I cant hop as high as zack or ryan so I supose I dont really like hoping ot high… usually 4-5 pallets is enough…I like lines where I do not have to pedal grab… I love riding skinnys that are squre…(round hurts)…so yea mostly techy stuff that isnt really dangerous I guess
yeah, i love pallets that are put on angles so they r steep and kind of sketchy to get up and need lots of leg stability. And no trials line is a trials line if it doesnt have big gaps and big step-ups and drops :D.
But if anyone has any pictures of there own trials lines that they have made from wood and just home made courses, could u please post pics, coz i would love to get ideas to go towards my trials line
I love riding lines right on the edge of my ability, but with very little risk of injury if I (inevitably) fail. These include things like massive gaps that I have to land in a pedal grab (something like 6.5ft at the moment), and walls high enough to force me to do a pedal grab. I like lines that force me to use all my skills, and help me build on them.