What do you think are the best threads of 03?
I only post 2 or so times but i know someone will put most replies.
what other good threads are good?
Oh, and also all of the thread’s that Logan A. didn’t make.
excuse me mr. james poter, please return to my random insults one, theirs a message their for you and everybody else, it’s a song I wrote about not letting people bring you down. the following message is an accumulated thought of Ryan atkins, carl hoyer, jeff (he doesn’t want me to say his last name), Kevin Mcmullin, James potter, Darryn (he doesn’t want me to say his last name), Nick (doesn’t want last name published), Reta Mcneil, James brown and 50 Cent.
We think that everyone of logan’s posts are superb. We would give up a lunge to be with logan for a minute. here’s specific quotes from all of these great people.
YO dawg, Logan be da shiznate, god don’t walk with him he carry him man.
50 Cent
Woooow, he feals good nananananana, But we all new that he would nanananananana.
James BRown
I would actual give hjim my unicycle business and I would change the name from bedford to Adams, if he asked for it.
Darryn (doesn’t want his last name published to protect his identity)
EVERYBODY: Bye bye Logan until next time, you are our GOD.
signed everybody in the universe and everything.
Sorry Logan, no offense to you, but I just personally like to read threads only when they have content.
Re: best threads of 03?
i quite like ‘uni count’
it achieved something, if u know what i mean
and, for the sheer joy of reading them,
any thread started by mikefule
(except the one about him getting hurt, and that wasn’t half bad either)
Re: best threads of 03?
i’m bumping this thread because i’m really curious to find out which threads (if any) really stuck in people’s minds
I like Treepotato’s ‘who needs fancy stuff’ thread.
How many unicycles does she have now?
The Ben Linder thread.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
i like tugboats threads as they have links to his videos and they are mad.