Best Beatles Song

hmmm v v hard question it changes pretty much every week
for nows its

Happiness is a Warm Gun

That and probably Nowhere Man will always be two of my favorites. The rest change depending on my mood…Strawberry Fields might be another that always stays in the top 5. It’s really hard to say.

Oh and Eleanor Rigby, that’s a really good one too. And Yesterday…and Glass Onion…and REVOLUTION 9!!

Hmm, I always thought it was George Harrison’s guitar on that recording.

Eric Clapton played lead.

Really? You learn something new every day. Still, kudos to George for writing and double-singing it!

‘All You Need Is Love’, just for the line, “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done…”
As unicyclists, we can all relate to this.

Since this thread slowed, I thought I’d add least favorite Beatles songs. Without any hesitation it’s: Number 9, and Maxwell’s Silver Hammer.

I don’t think an explanation is needed for ‘Number 9’.

As for ‘Maxwell’s Silver Hammer’, that “bang bang maxwell’s silver hammer came down upon her head, … she was dead” annoys me. Maybe because it is so graphically violently, with a fun jingle like refrain. I can tell it’s suppose to be so absurd that it’s fun, but it’s one Beatles song I always skip over.

I love Maxwell’s Silver Hammer!! It’s so funny, supposed to be a childrens song but clearly with an adult theme. And it’s catchy, and I like it.
As for number 9, I really really like that one too…it’s not the type I would just listen to while I’m relaxing or anything but as an experimental song and a sound collage it’s completely brilliant.
A lot of people say Ob La Di is their worst song but I actually really like that one too…and Yellow Submarine…I can’t really think of any that I dislike. Some that I like a little less than others, but as far as I can tell, the Beatles didn’t write bad songs (:

How can you not like Maxwell’s Silver Hammer? That song is genius.

My least favorite Beatle’s song is probably Sun King…I never really liked it at all.

Like Maxwell’s Silver Hammer! Your just sick. :slight_smile:

I have a good friend who’s that’s his favorite Beatles song. Every once in a while, he’ll start up with that “Bang Bang…”. I disliked the song before I knew him.

Those are the only two songs I can think of that I really dislike.

You’ll have to excuse me, ‘Number 9’ just started playing. Really.

My fav is Strawberry Fields.