what is the best advise you’ve ever received? post it here so that we can all learn from it.
here I’ll start
the best advise that I have found was or is in someone’s signature on this forum and it is a vary simple piece of advise it says that it won’t hurt if you land you trick simple but effective.
Thanks to who ever posted that
never eat yellow snow:D
sorry the bad spelling I don’t really speak English well:o
this has stuck with me since then, which is why i always try to not talk bad about people and when i hear people being talked about in groups of people i always try to defend that person, and i always try to be nice to people,
like theres only 2 people in my hole life that ive met which i dont like that i can remeber, This is probally why im frends with almost everyone at my skool whether its skaters, jocks, stoners, or anyone else . I get along with all of them mostly
if ur saying that cus i only dont like 2 people and ur being sarcastic its cus i always try to be nice to everyone i meet, very rarely do i meet people who are just jerks
I remember some old TV sitcom where the girl went to her granddad for some Sage Advice and his advice was “Keep yer pants on.” Through the years, I have come to appreciate the wisdom of that advice more and more.