Bernie Ebbers, former head of WorldCom former employer of two of RSU’s own, Animation and Rhysling, has received a sentence of 25 years.
One can only hope there is some justice there although it is doubtful the people whose lives were devasted by his misdeeds will ever be compensated nearly enough.
That scoundral basically robbed many of their retirement. Now his retirement has been taken away–for good, and he´s feeling what others felt after he´d fleeced them of their last buck. But while others can go out and make another buck, he´s got to rot in jail. And like it.
Yeah, last I checked, there was no positive spike in what’s left of my worthless shares. Not that I’m an “eye for an eye” guy, but some would find solace that he has a good chance–metaphorically speaking–of experiencing the same sort of reaming he gave to Worldcom’s shareholders.