Being FAT is NOT a handicap.

Raphael just likes being feisty. I think he is making an aggressive reply that is in proportion to the level of insensitivity you have shown to fat people who eat like pigs.

He was thinking what John Foss wrote, but to save time, he wrote a much shorter reply. :slight_smile: Just a guess on my part.

Well, okā€¦but I still prefer to think he was the fat lady at McDonalds.

I donā€™t want you dissā€™n on pigs here. Pigs donā€™t naturally overeat. If you give a pig a constant and always available supply of good food (grain) you do not end up with a fat pig. Now give an animal like a dog an unlimited and constant supply of good food (dog food) and you get a fat dog. If that lady was a pig she would not be fat.

Itā€™s when pigs are fed bad food (things like human food, treats, etc) that you end up with a fat pig. But thatā€™s the fault of the owner and not the pig. If you have a pet pot bellied pig and you spoil it with extra food you are going to end up with a fat pot bellied pig. Feed it pig food and it wonā€™t get fat.

I raised pigs (swine) in 4-H. None of my pigs were fat and I never saw a fat pig at a farm or fair.

Donā€™t mess with pigs when John Childs is around!

Jethro, in all honesty, guilty as charged.

I am often wrong about such things but I have my suspicions about who or what you are. Your first post here was, as far as I can tell, ā€œI have lots of questionsā€ on the same day that you registered on Youā€™ve made some brief comments about your family unicycling but beyond that we know very little about you except that you are clever and post here mostly ā€œtongue in cheekā€. Almost to a man, woman, and child, we all started here in RSU with real questions and comments about unicycling. You donā€™t seem to have taken that route but rather show up right off as a smart aleck.

Now mind you, this is the Internet and you can do whatever you like and, frankly I enjoy your banter. So donā€™t take it personally.

And yeah, what John Foss said (that Dave Lowell is starting to piss me off with how perceptive he is). I donā€™t normally read self help books but a friend was adament about the Covey book, ā€œThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopleā€. I only made it about 20 or 25 pages. But he talks about a man on the subway and how his kids were running amok being loud and a nuisance to all the other passengers. One confronted the man about controlling his kids. He said that yeah he should but as theyā€™d just come from the hospital where their mother had just died, he didnā€™t feel up to it. Covey, of course, said something about not judging although at more length and somewhat more eloquently.

Now I believe this post, like some that I start, was done to get people riled up and talking. So, there, thatā€™s my take.

Thanks for the well-thought out reply, JJuggle.

Unicycling is a form of recreation for me. I have an interest in it, but not a lot of questions. I learned to unicycle at 42 (less than a year ago). I am not particuclarly adept at it and donā€™t have a lot of natural talent. I will never have the skills to do muni or trials or tricks. My main goal is to be able to ride well enough to do some distance trips with my family. When I get a little better, I may have some questions about crusiers or cokers, but for now, I read the threads and learn.

As for the smart aleck part, I plead no contest. This message board is a form of recreation for meā€“not in a troll way. Just in a kick back and let my hair down kind of way. I have a high-stress, high-commitment job (I have left enough hints around that you can figure out what it is, but it is not in my best interest to broadcast it at the moment). I come here to unwind and let the less serious side of me get some exercise.

And you were spot on about the motivation behind this thread. Plus, I figure I am a lot safer dissing fat people on a unicycle forum than say, on a weight watchers forum.

The difference is, Jethroā€™s label shows he is from Minneapolis, MN. He doesnā€™t need to ask us questions because he is probably surrounded by more ā€œliveā€ unicyclists than he can shake a stick at! I expect the Twin Cities people to come in with more unicycling background to start withā€¦

Welcome to the forum, Jethro (if that really is your name.) We share much in common with respect to our unicycling. I look forward to more banter and sparring with you.


Re: Being FAT is NOT a handicap.

Being fat may not qualify you for the handicap parking permit, but physical ailments that go along with it could: back problems, knee problems, foot problems, breathing problems, heart problems.

My aunt was shorter than 5 feet tall and weighed close to 300 lbs at her worse. She had the handicap parking pass due to those problems I listed and others. She also had diabetes which didnā€™t help with her weight problem. ā€”You may have noticed that I refer to her in the past tense. One more reason to stay in shape.

Not always true! We had a Standard Poodle (OK some may argue Poodles are not dogs but he was 45 lbs) that was a grazer. Always had food, never got fat. My Golden retriever was the same way. Now my Lab is a different story. She will eat and eat and eat. When we had both dogs we had to keep the Lab away from the Goldenā€™s food.

On topic, unless youā€™re cheating, you need to get a doctor to sign off on a temporary or permanent sticker. I had one when I broke my heel.

I have no words, but if you saw my face after reading those lines JJuggle you wouldā€™ve seen that I agree. :wink:

Jethro, perhaps she has a heart condition!

John, this very well may be true. And though Iā€™m sure Iā€™d be surprised by the answer, how many people make their first post on a newsgroup a wise crack on the off-topic area? (Though if truth be known, Jethrosā€™ first thread here falls into the category, for me at least, of wish Iā€™d thought of that).

Where is the usual PC crowd?

Shocked and dismayed. :stuck_out_tongue: The faithful advocates for the less fortunate are strangely silent on this subject. (except Mr. Foss)

Re: Where is the usual PC crowd?

Ha, I read this post before you edited it and you used the term PC in its disparaging context.

Well, since this thread was started to bait those who would cruelly disparage the overweight and since it succeeded in that capacity early on, we ā€œfaithful advocates for the less fortunateā€ were wise enough not to take the counter bait. :wink:

Re: Being FAT is NOT a handicap.

its been a while since i heard that actually used. in the south we say drink. its broad but it works.

The only thing I changed was adding the smile face.

The PC zealots are annoying. Respect and consideration are all thatā€™s needed.

I agree. If respect and consideration were universal attributes there would be no PC zealots.

Re: Re: Where is the usual PC crowd?

PDC has assured me in a private communication that I am mistaken. I would like to retract this comment.

Back in the general direction of the topic:

Last night Jacquie and I watched the movie Supersize Me. Wow! Iā€™d heard it was good but it didnā€™t sound very interesting. The guy keeps it pretty interesting, and itā€™s much more objective than the movie it has been wrongly compared to, Farenheit 911.

After 30 days of eating nothing but whatā€™s on the menu at McDonalds, the guy has put on 24.5 pounds (almost a pound a day), turned his live to ā€œpateā€ to quote one of the doctors that monitored him, and shot his cholesterol and other levels through the roof.

So that fat lade at McDonalds should start by watching this movie. Ew.