Being FAT is NOT a handicap.

So I pull into McDonalds today to get a healthy lunch. As pull in a big-ass Cadillac pulls into the handicapped spot a few spaces down. Out of the big-ass Cadillac in the handicapped parking spot comes this big-ass lady. I mean, she is grossly overweight–she makes Rosie (any of the Rosies) look anorexic.

She isn’t limping or walking with a cane or anything like that. She is just fat. She gets in line, orders 2 double quarter-pounders, a large fry, a large pop and a shake.

And for this she gets to be considered a freakin handicap and get special parking privileges.

I have nothing against fat people in general. I consider most of them to be jolly and nice. But this one bugged me. She needs to quit eating like a pig and get some exercise. But then she would lose her handicap parking sticker.

I totally agree with you but some people are gonna post sayin how do you know she wasnt handicapped or somthing like that… but i agree with you that just kind abugs me.


^Yeah, I know. And then inevitably someone is going to tell me it is glandular, so I’ll just go ahead and say “bullsh!t” ahead of time.

Her real handicap is emotional and/or psychological. Give her a break, shut up, and go back to your salad.

No her real problem is she has been around too many cold-hearted (unlike yours truly) people who enabled her laziness and lack of self-esteem by not kicking her very large butt into shape.

Most likely the sticker isn’t hers.

I heard of people who fraudulently get them.

Another possible explanation would be that she has a relative who’s handicapped, and is cheating by using their permit. I know my parent’s have done that before. :wink:
But if not, then I agree with you. Fat people are using their weight as an excuse for, like, stuff. Like this. Yeah. But I do find it hard to believe that someone would actually give this person a handicapped permit just because s/he’s overweight.

yea i cant stand fat people like that that eat and eat and eat and know there fat and have to stop.I think they should not get a special handicap privalage because there fat asses.Our goverment should round up all the fatties in the u.s. and and whip them into shape litterally!!:wink:

Being overweight can cause all sorts of back problems, knee problems etc. (and vice versa btw.), so she might need the handicap spaces. It does seem ironical though to grant overweight people easier access to fastfood.

Sorry to threadjack, but having just noticed it on this thread, I have to say that DigitalDave’s current avatar is now my all time favourite.

Simple, old skool, mesmeric and, of course, digital!

Ahh, the nostalgia of it all!

Back on thread - I tend to lean towards the idea that fat people need some “tough love”. However the fast food and processed food industries have a case to answer for pushing their wares aggressively, and at young people in particular.

fat people who are fat because they are just hungry buggers should be made to be less fat, if you can get a handicap sign for just being a fat heffer with no other handicaps thats stupid. why make then walk a short distance when you could put the handicaped parking 5 miles from the shop and make them walk into shape.


<threadjack cont.>
It’s crazy, just a week ago I was planning on making an avatar more or less exactly like that one. too late now… it is brilliant though.

And I am sitting here watching it, stuffing my face with Girl Scout cookies, waiting for the score to change. If I get fat because of this, he’s paying for my damn handicap parking sticker.

Even crazier, I actually DID make one almost exactly like that, but never used it here. It’s less smooth and only 60x60 though…


But the real issue behind the issue is that, if she is indeed not deserving of the status of handicapped, she is stealing the opportunity to use the space as it was intended from a legitimately handicapped person. I am not handicapped or physically challenged so I can only claim to imagine the struggles some of these folks go through on a daily basis.


Poeple like that need the red handicaped sticker. One in which you have to park in one of the preserved spots in the back of the lot, in order for them to get mote exersize. Any one of these people caught not in their parking spots must pay a fine.

The only way to avoid not getting one of these red sticker is to not apply for a normal handicap permit.:wink:

Well, it’s your thread so if you say so, it must be.

Did you do the honors?

JJuggle, after having read your replies in this thread, I am forced to draw one of two conclusions. Either:

  1. You are hazing the newbie


  1. You were the fat woman in McDonalds.

Do you drive a Cadillac?

I missed the part where anybody did some research to find out if this woman had any severe arthritis, joint problems (which could have pre-dated her fatness), artificial limbs, neck problems (like my step-mom, who does not appear disabled; bad neck + bad arthritis qualifies her), or any number of things that might earn her a legit handicap sticker.

She could be using someone else’s, but apparently none of us knows that.

Along with the shoulds:

  • She should park at the far end of the parking lot (of a different eatery)
  • She should eat better (and possibly just less)
  • She should drive a more fuel-efficient car
  • Many of the people posting here should learn not to discriminate against fatness, especially if they don’t know the particular cause.

There are many possible causes. For example, a friend of mine. He was a big soccer player many years ago, fit and healthy. Then he developed a knee injury and had to give up soccer. He switched to golf, which was not a good exercise replacement. Apparently he also started to suffer from depression, which slowed him down. He became very fat. His fault, but mitigating circumstances. Exercising is more difficult for him due to the bad knee, and the depression, and the liver problem he later developed, totally un-connected to any of the other stuff. Now he’s kind of screwed. If he can’t get motivated to figure out a better way to take care of himself, he may die. We and professionals have done what we can, but it’s really up to him.

I have never been fat. Have you? I know many people who are or were, and have dealt with many of the self-motivation, emotional, and social issues that go along with it. Once deep in, it can be very psychologically hard to get out.

I’d rather dis smokers, which have a hard time quitting due to the strong chemical addiction. A fat person is not going to give me lung cancer…

We can do that, too. But let’s try to be done with it by midweek. I want to start in on dissing professional bass fisherman by Wednesday at the latest.