What are your credentials? What is your motivation for teaching? Why would I choose you as my mentor? How do I stand to benefit from your lessons?
I am dubious about your offer for help. You’ve made but a handful of postings on this site, none of which includes any evidence that you’ve actually ridden a unicycle for longer than the time it takes to fall over backwards from an upright position.
I get the impression that behind your post is a plan to sell me something I don’t need, to infect my mind with some sort of marketing propaganda that will culminate in the unfortunate event of a transaction of money whereby I gain nothing and you run away, laughing, with fistfuls of my hard-earned cash.
I suspect that it is only a matter of time before you start posting your low prices on prescription drugs, cellphones and/or pirated DVDs.
Of course, I could be completely wrong, and this is often the case, but let it be known that I shall never let my guard down. Pirates beware!
I just got a new unicycle looks like this, but I’m kind of having trouble with the basics. If you could tell me how to get on without using a wall or a railing or something that would be awesome. Thanks!
that link keeps sending me to a trek fuel. but anyway this is my first post and i was wondering about getting a new unicycle, im 6’3"and would prefer a 24" unicycle, i want to learn alot of things so a rigid unicycle would be nice, i was thinking about either a torker 24" lx/dx. help please!