Beginning Unicycling

If you are a beginner and need some help go ahead and ask. I would be more than willing to help you.

What are your credentials? What is your motivation for teaching? Why would I choose you as my mentor? How do I stand to benefit from your lessons?

I am dubious about your offer for help. You’ve made but a handful of postings on this site, none of which includes any evidence that you’ve actually ridden a unicycle for longer than the time it takes to fall over backwards from an upright position.

I get the impression that behind your post is a plan to sell me something I don’t need, to infect my mind with some sort of marketing propaganda that will culminate in the unfortunate event of a transaction of money whereby I gain nothing and you run away, laughing, with fistfuls of my hard-earned cash.

I suspect that it is only a matter of time before you start posting your low prices on prescription drugs, cellphones and/or pirated DVDs.

Of course, I could be completely wrong, and this is often the case, but let it be known that I shall never let my guard down. Pirates beware!

Lol, I dont think he’s charging anyone… :smiley:

I just got a new unicycle looks like this, but I’m kind of having trouble with the basics. If you could tell me how to get on without using a wall or a railing or something that would be awesome. Thanks!

that link keeps sending me to a trek fuel. but anyway this is my first post and i was wondering about getting a new unicycle, im 6’3"and would prefer a 24" unicycle, i want to learn alot of things so a rigid unicycle would be nice, i was thinking about either a torker 24" lx/dx. help please!

Overly cynical? Perhaps but I suspect the same possibilty. :slight_smile:

I think maybe they were his intentions!

That’s because this is Just Conversation, where we talk about everything but unicycles.


Check out the other forum: Rec.Sport.Unicycling. Lots of unicycling advise there if you ask. Great search function too!

Just say No to Unicycle threads in JC.

Friends don’t let friends talk about unicycles in JC.

My post was heavily influenced by a particular(ly funny) book whose prose is echoed in my ramblings.

I recommend this book to anyone within walking distance of a book store, library or Internet terminal.