Beginning to Unicycle

uh… yeah, ummm, I want to get into unicycling and I was wondering if I bought one, what brand would be a good beginner unicycle, and if I could, how would I build my own from other unused bikes or is there a kit I have to buy? Any help will help, get it? HAHAHAHAH!! Okay, ummm, post somethin’ now, thanks!:smiley:

i say get a black Torker Unistar.

thay are usally under $100 bucks and come with a better seat than the regular chrome Torkers.

make sure that you get a uni with 2 piece bearing caps and not one with the one peice (lolly pop) looking ones with the 2 big bolts on the side of the frame.lolly pops bearing holders suck.

I agree with Jagur. would be the place to buy or try your local Bike shop.
Try a Semcycle, DM, Miyata or a Savage. But Stay away the Savage saddle’s. They only design for small children and Small Adults. The Black one’s they are, with side metals. I know you only new but This Thread should be in RSU to get more reponses than in JC. Good luck.


check ebay. Always good. Espically if you or someone you know is into the ebay thing really big.

I got a chrome torker 24" My ONLY two regrets.

I didn’t get a 20" wheel (i hear those are easier to learn on)
I didn’t get the black (A nice seat really is a big deal)

And the fact that you can get it under $100 is really nice espically if you find out you don’t like Unicycling so much. When you become a fanatic, that when you save up to get a great one.

Keep us posted on your progress.

ITEMNO530 Go to Ebay. There’s Plenty. Go to And use the search Engine. “Unicycle” then Click Go.
Hope you’re registed and good luck. Thanks XWonka you’re a good help too.


i got mine from…

i got my 20" uni from cheap, fun reliable!:wink:

Yeah, Ebay is good. To me, it doesn’t really matter which unicycle you buy first; as long as you get used to it your doing good. If it feels to uncomfortable or something, then that’s bad, I guess… I just got a 16" unicycle for my birthday and I’m really used to it now so I don’t really need to worry about other unicycles. Just pick the one that looks coolest and start ridin’! Congratulations on (hopefully) becoming a unicyclist.

Hooray, now we have another unicyclist in our community! I think!

Yeah, the best beginner uni is a 20’’ Torker. Unless you’re tall, then get a 24’’.


:stuck_out_tongue: THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR HELP!!! Keep it coming, I still don’t know what specifications I’m looking for. Like about bearing caps, I’m gonna get two-piece, that’s good, yeah? I’m checkin’ EBay right now while eating my peanut butter covered bagle, ypu, it’s pretty gross, but I’ve gotta finish it, blech! So, yeah. Okay, this is what I have so far that I’m trying to find in local bike shops and online: Torker Unistar
24" wheel (I almost typed wheels, HAH!)
2 piece bearing caps
1 comfortable seat
I don’t know how tall to get it (help)

Yeah, that’s it I think. If anyone has a suggestion, please post, thanks again everyone!! :smiley:

I got this from

If you’re under 5-feet tall, order a 200-mm seat post
If you’re between 5- and 6-feet tall, order a 300-mm seat post
If you’re over 6-feet tall, order a 400-mm seat post

of course you should find a uni with a saddle you can lower or raise. I hear that what the seat height should be is… when your foot reaches it’s lowest point in the wheel, the seat should be a few inches lower than your crotch. Of course you should keep it lower when you begin to learn (it makes it easier to learn) but when you get good, raise the seat or you can expect to get some major leg muscle aches.

Here are somethings to keep an eye out for:

Purely for speed of learning to ride, 20" is better than 24" also for tall people. But looking beyond that initial stage, 24" is a better general purpose unicycle than 20" except for small people.

This thread should run in Rec.Sport.Unicycling, not Just Conversation.

Klaas Bil


Did you read my First thread. Just prior on ending my sentence.

I did that to save you mate. Any way. That’s life. Thanks Klass Mate.



Okay. I found a Unicycle in one of my in-town bike shops. The girl I talked to didn’t know much about anything. She said they have ONE, yes, only one, Unicycle, and it’s a Torker, it’s silver, has ONE 20" wheel and its priced at 99.99. IS it a good deal? or should I get one off of Ebay? I seen some nice cheap ones on Ebay, some used, but hey, it’s my first.:smiley:

That is actually a pretty good deal, since you don’t have to pay for shipping which can hurt. I say go for it.

Re: Eh

The Torkers are a good unicycle.

The silver Torker like this one
has a small seat that is a good size for 7 year olds, but too small for older folks. If you’re bigger than a young child you’ll find the small Torker seat to be uncomfortable. You can replace the kid sized seat with an adult sized seat. Replacement saddles range from $20 to $48.

The black Torker would be a good choice. It’s a very good quality unicycle, especially for a “starter” uni.
If your interest is in learning freestyle tricks a 20" would be better. If your interest is in riding around the neighborhood the 24" would be better. Eventually you’ll likely end up with both a 20", a 24", and at least one other uni.

One issue with the 20" black Torker is that the seatpost is too short for an adult sized person. You’ll need to get a longer seatpost, but the black Torker uses a 25.4mm seatpost while most other unicycles use a 22.2mm seatpost. The longer seatposts are all 22.2mm diameter so you’ll need to get a shim or a sizer to a standard unicycle seatpost to fit in a black Torker frame. has the sizers:
along with a longer seatpost:

Best bet is to give a call. Tell them you’re looking for a good starter unicycle, tell them your inseam, and they’ll set you up with a unicycle that fits.


Okay, problemo… I proably won’t be able to get one offline. :frowning:
My madre doesn’t like using her credit card online and all that fun stuffs I dunno why, I tell her and tell her. I’m going to call bike shops in the nearby towns, Sac and Davis, my best bet is Davis. Bike city!! HAH!! Okay, I’ll post what I find, thanks John for the links, I’ll show my mommy. :smiley:

Re: ARGH!!

You can order from over the phone and give your credit card number over the phone. No online transaction. And if you’re concerned I’m sure you can ask them to make sure your credit card number is not stored in their database. You can also pay by check or money order. See their customer service FAQ

I recommend just because they know unicycles. Most bike shops don’t know unicycles and don’t know what parts work together, what other seats you can get, what seatposts work with what, and so on. If you can find a local bike shop that knows their unicycles then that’s very good (and quite rare). For example most bike shops would have a difficult time trying to get a longer seatpost for the black Torker. The 25.4 to 22.2 shim is hard to find and the 400mm GB4 seatpost that will fit the black seat on the black Torker is only available through

It’s fun to look up the very first post people made. This is ITEMNO530’s first post ever, looking for help on buying a unicycle.

I cannot understand why he doesn’t like peanut butter covered bagels, they are really good (seriously).