Beginning of my Journey

Hi Fellow Uniriders,

Well it finally happened. After almost a year I placed my order for my first unicycle. I’m no lightweight so I opted for the 20in Nimbus II for 2 specific reasons. First it has ISIS cranks which are stronger than square cranks and it’s 20in wheel has 48 spokes not 36. When you’re 130kg or 286lbs and hoping a single wheel will keep you upright I figured those things were important.

I also ordered the Schwalbe Big Apple 20 x 2.15 tyre and a full set of Kris Holm armour, leg, arm and gloves.

The uni should arrive within 5 days so by Tuesday I hope to be taking my first stumbling attempts at mounting the beast.

I guess I should give you some background. In my teens my grandparents bought me a road bike and I used to ride everywhere. To work, to see friends and sometimes just because there was nothing else to do. Then I discovered the cycling club and not long after that Audax. I cycled constantly from 14yrs old till I was 22. Then I took a job working night shift, had a family and slowly forgot all about cycling.

I’ve been trying to get active again the past 2 or so years without much luck. I don’t enjoy walking whether for excersise or transportation then some how I can’t remember I discovered Kris Holm and Terry Peterson (Unigeezer) and I liked what I saw. I also liked the fact that the unicycle strengthens your core much more than cycling ever would and being overweight I can definately see the advantages of not only riding but all the extra effort swinging your arms around to maintan your balance.
Plus after checking with the local public transport authority it appears unicycles are allowed not only on our trains as bicycles are but on our buses as well. This opens up a whole range of options to me for exploring the city with my new toy.

Well I think that’s enough for now. I hope the wait doesn’t kill me. :smiley:

Hi becker,
congrats!!! If you ever think in the future about other strong wheels, you can check on the Qu-ax series. They all come with 48 spokes, and they are super strong. I own the 20/26 inch, and they’re great.

Have fun,