I’m a fanatic visitor of worlds biggest documantairy festival in the world…
and this year http://www.queenofthesun.com/ played there.
So I wonder, are there any beekeepers out here?
My mates family keeps bees. Every year at the end of summer he has a beehive burning shindig where he burns all the old bee boxes. The wax in the is really hot and makes for a great big fire. Plenty of fun.
This stack is about 7 feet tall, we were all standing in that pit in the begininning but then once we lit these it just got waaaay to hot to stand anywhere near them.
That’s what commercial (mass, non-biological) imkers also do, burn down the hyves without taking the wax.
The bees in Brookyn, NY are getting into the maraschino cherry plant. They are bringing the red dye #27 back with the sweet, turning their hive red, along with the honey. It was in the NY Times.
One less beekeeper
I kept bees for three years. Had to give it up when I developed an allergy to them earlier this year. Its rare but it happens. They had to haul me to the hospital in an ambulance after a couple of stings where the doctor suggested I give up keeping bees.
The good part is that to replace one eccentric hobby I returned to another one and started riding my unicycles again. I miss the bees, but I sure like the unicycles.
Keeping bees is a great hobby and good for the environment. We need more backyard beekeepers to keep the bees healthy. The commercial beekeepers put a lot of stress on them and spread diseases by trucking them all over.
That’s pretty macabre; 1st you read about bees dieng, and than you get red honey …!
Cool, yes, I couldn’t believe there weren’t any, among us eccentric peeps here.
But I almost started to wonder if the beekeepers died out to.
Too bad of the allergy
Yes, and that kills them to, in huge numbers, when they are stored for too long in the almand area in California for example.
I’m gonne talk with my housemate (who watched the documantairy also), and see for possibilities here.
Even thoug I’m straight in the center of the dirtiest places on earth, I’m convinced they would be healtier than in a monoculture in the midlands:
This other documantairy (about Monsanto who’d renamed Agent Orange to Roundup) was such an eye-opener!
So I was already aware of half the problem. And as that shit goes in the water, I’m expecting more long-term escalation.
In case anyone hasn’t seen it, it’s here (not entertaining at all, but very recommended watching), scroll down a little down (it’s not the video on the right) and feed your mind.
Even if it may be half the facts, it’s enough truth to not wanting to waste your time on the other half.
Today it is almost impossible to buy food without corn ment for animal food, as it didn’t qualify with the twisted laws.
I am a beekeeper.
Someone once gave me a bee, and I kept it.
ba dum tish
I’ve got a few bees in my bonnet.
i love that comedian
such a raw sense of comedy