Nah i’m not sellin the actual guy, sorry, but i do have one of his unicycles which i’m not using due to being busy as fuck with work and such.
Its a trials one, i think i put different peddals on it cuz the peddals that came with it were sweeeeeet so i put em on my mountain bike. Anyways, i’m in need of money so if anyone wants to buy it maybe, shout me a price and i’ll think about it.
Wow havent been here in a while, hows you all doin!
Yeah those are the pedals i took off. See why i wanted them on my mountain bike! But the pedals on the uni are good too i’m pretty sure. Metal, of course, and black.
It looks pretty damn new…though there IS a little bit of rust here and there, but i think its more visual than actual serious rust problems. I rode it a bit two winters ago. Ice is fun to ride on.
Excellent looking trials uni. Darren makes good stuff. Outstanding language for a family-based forum, too. Keep up the good work. Parents of the younger ones are encouraging them to get on that RSU forum and learn about unicycling.
With selling the Nimbus Trials for under $200US it will be hard to get premium price for a Bedford Monty/Suzue Trials.
Right before the Nimbus Trials came available I bought a used Bedford Monty/Suzue Trials for $200. A good deal at the time but probably not quite as good a deal a week or two later.