This is hilarious.
wow that really touched me. thank the lord for the creator of that. i hope it can win many more over to the republican party!
I wanta Republi-kit!
i dont tihnk i got that far or payed good enough attention. there was far to much reading for me. but great illustrations!
you need a political party equivalent to what used to be the canadian rhynosorus party over there in the US for all those people who are fed up with both parties and want to show it by voting for someone who will never get into power. The Marijuana Party was very close to winning a seat in the North West Territories during the last federal election, probably becouse they have been screwed over by the liberals so many times, thought that the conservitives would be just as bad and didnt believe in the NDP. sure the multi-party system splits votes, we have a minority government, and the ballance of power is held by the Block Quebecois (french sepritist party) but a 2 party system is just no fun. im so glad im canadian.
yo wheres the marijuana party at i gotta check that out!
That would be the Libertarian Party. They favor people living their life as long as they do not infer with the rights of others. It’s all about individual liberty. Yes, they favor legalization of marijuana as well. People have the right to do to their own body what they want to do to it. They don’t advocate marijuana use, but advocate the freedom to make your own choices. The Libertarian platform is very similar to what the Republican Party used to stand for. Voting for a third party is not throwing your vote away. It shows the other politicians that they can grab votes by adopting some of that platform. Also, voting for the better of two evils will still result in you voting for evil.
thanks Gilby, I alwase thought that amaricans had only 2 choices when they went to the polls. i wonder how the republicans and democrats keep such a monopoly that the other partys are never discussed (at least in canada, and yes we follow american elections - they affect us also). maby the US is more of a democracy than i believed.
is there a Libertarian Party, or other alternative party candidate on every ballot or are some stuck with only two choices? here in canada there is a candidate from the Liberals, Conservatives, NDP, and Green Party running in every constituancy plus usualy one or two people running as independants or a nother smaller party.
i heard theres a woman eunnig for presidency. im voting for her because id hate to waste my vote on a black man that will most likely end up assasinated. and old white guys arent making anythng good happen, so lets try a womans touch. or is there not even a lady to vote for and my friends a pullin my leg.
Each state does it differently. In Minnesota, there are a handful of candidates for President each time. Usually, at least the Republican, Democratic, Green, Libertarian, Constitutional, and Reform parties. For local elections, we have a party called the Independence party, which usually gets a fair percentage of the vote. This party originated from the Reform party.
The problem is that you can only vote for one, and people tend to vote for one of the two bigger parties, sometimes in an attempt to help the lesser of two evils win. Hopefully, the voting methods will change, so that we can rank the candidates, and have a system similar to instant runoff voting, where it essentially compares each candidate to each other independently and the one that beats all others wins and is therefore an actual majority of the voters that favored this candidate over all other candidates.
that was the highlight of my day. thank you very much. I will soon convert the masses.
it doesnt matter who you vote for in the united states, they just throw away your ballot.
wow this sounds a lot closser to the canadian system than i emagined.
there was talk about dooing it this way in canada and Steven Harper promised to do something simmilar using the national popular vote to decide who to apoint to the senate. the apointees would that based on total votes per party. this means that if there were more than five new members of senate then one of them should be NDP, this would be the first time that it would not be a torry or gritt. so far he has not delivered on that promise
Actually, its slightly more complicated in most places than what was written above. Many offices have primaries, where they will determine which candidate will represent their party. Some states say that only republicans can vote in republican primaries, etc, etc. Other states have it open.
What can happen is that the best candidate doesnt even get to the ballot. A democrat generally has to prove himself very liberal to get the democratic nomination, and a republican has to prove himself very conservative to get the republican nomination. Then, after the primaries, they all have to prove how moderate they are so they can get the most votes.
Also, I live in a small state population wise. We often have several offices on the ballet with only one candidate.
One quirk for us. We vote for our judges on the state supreme court, and they are not supposed to be affiliated wth any political party. The ballot just shows their names, with no party label. I bet it causes a lot of problems for the people who vote just by the (D) or ® at the end of people’s names…
If everyone did what that thing said the world would be a BAD place
well its close
nah it could get alot worse
anyway why should people hate gay people?
Because they’re different than us, Duh.
The sad part is that someone took the time to make the flash animation.
It would be just as easy and just as funny to make a similar flash animation about how to become a Democrat. Focus on the environmentalist wackos, the PETA folks and a misguided interpretation of the Democratic party ideals. It’s easy humour. And a waste of time.
lol thats sooo ignorant people should get lives