Become Fat

Everybody in America is doing it. Just get on the freaking bandwagon already!

I couldn’t squeeze onto the “bandwagon”…too many fat people on it already-no room for me. :roll_eyes: (And that Jared subway guy isn’t fooling anybody…notice he’s starting to blimp up again?)

Wait, are you accusing of eating blimpy? He’s a purist man…you don’t even know. He gave South Park aids I am told. EIther way, It’s a big band wagon…you have no idea.

I’m not a big “band wagon” fan…Now if it was a harley I’d jump on…but I’d have to be on by myself! :sunglasses: Then go riding with Peter Fonda and his buddies!

me too

Its not just America, America just leads the path to the wagon.

Yeah, America’s just driving the bandwagon. Everyone else is crammed in the back.

That’s a good way of putting it mawesome :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Aren’t they in walkers by now?

not at all

in america its an epidemy. I dont know the exact number but Ive heard like, 60% (Im not sure OK?) of the population is obese (is that the right word?)…

I don`t think the rest of the world is going the same direction…

Well if any country isn’t going that direction, it’s Brazil.

mmm yes

Which reminds me, I must get some video footage off Pete.

i am getting fat, somebody sign me

whats up with thtat when someone starts talking trash about overweight people everyone “joins the fun” but when i start talking about niggers and gays i get called troll and shit. hypocritical sons of bitches. although i feel the same way.

thats becouse black people are black and gay people are gay, it is completely natural and normal for people to be this way. i realy dont want to compare obiese people to people of difrent colour or sexual disposition but here I go. there is nothing wrong with a black person or a gay person in fact black people have been around on the earth much longer than us whites if you want to go there. Obiesity on the other hand is only partialy natural. I believe that humans like any other animal is prone to get larger and fatter when they are in a environment with little stress (lots of food, water shelter etc). that is why Obiesity is a problem only in the ritcher nations of the world like the united states, canada and europe. i traveled to guatamala a few years ago and in my two weeks there i dont think i saw a single overweight person.

it is a big bandwagon and it is puting a lot of strain on our healthcare system but it is not a worldwide phenomenom. i think it is a case of “the rich keep geting richer and the poor keep getting poorer” but instead “fat getting fatter, etc.”

ok well ill agree that its totally normal for people to be black, but gay people, thats a little differnt to me. its supposed to take male and female organs to create new life. and its pretty much everyones life goal to raise a family to carry on family legacys and valuse and all that good shit. i dont belive in people being born gay or anytihng.i cant take gay people serious at all.

I’ve been on the bandwagon a while. I was up to almost 250 lbs. I started jogging. Got up to 30 miles a week. I got down to about 235 and leveled off. I took up unicycling. I got 5 more pounds off in 2 weeks, but since I have put them back on… :thinking:

When I got out of college, I was about 155… (I was a track/cross country athlete - like 3% body fat.) I’d love to get under 200 again.

If I can get off this bandwagon, someone else can have my place… :wink:


I’m not sure, what state is “Walkers” in? :wink:

They must live here… I am not 50 miles from Walker Lake:wink:


i do too much unicycling to get fat:( oh well, at least i’m not over weight :slight_smile: