Because I AM a jerk.

To whom it may concern (mostly justin kozy),

  1. I AM a jerk.

  2. mispellings : “no” “ur” “wou” “whoile” “u” and then the double “you you”. Im not picking on spelling. I make simple errors all the time. I never claim to be a spelling or grammer expert. I do, however, absolutly despise people who can not be bothered to take the time to simply spell out entire words, and complete others.

  3. I responded to you, in your thread, because I, for one, am sick of your posts, and I figured Id tell you so. You only contributed to it by responding to my comment in the same thread.

  4. your description of the “trick” is not clear at all. It makes very little sense. If you want people to take you seriously, try to make some sense.

  5. “I could care less” Lets take a look at what that means. take the opposite of both the adjective and the verb, so it does not change meaning. now it reads “I could not care more” while this isnt neccesarrily true, it does illustrate how dumb you are.

  6. “preppy boy”, yeah, exactly. I have 7, red 8" liberty spikes because im “preppy”, right. To tell you the truth, I really dont care about your oppinion of me though, so feel free to beleive that im preppy, or a pouser, or a goth, or whatever you want to lable me as.

  7. Swearing really doesnt fucking offend me.

  8. neither do exclamation points!!!

  9. by calling me a “school boy” you would be correct. I do attend an institute of higher learning. This, by itself, does not make me better, or smarter than anyone. The fact that I am a better human being than you is a mere coincidence.

Justin Kozy wrote–

you no what i think of you!!!
i think ur a plain flat out jerk why would you even bother writing any thing if ur not going to talk about my subject ???

but really i could care less there preppy boy , and i wou fill this whoile forum with swears but i’ll just get in trouble


p.s.s !!!

<many deleted !'s here>

!!! !!!
!!! just to make u mad you you school boy hankie pankie

Well said.


To nick and everyone else

I’m sorry. I sould have never asked Gilby to unban him…

Once again I am sorry.


Checkernuts, maybe jus-10 should use that little caption under your username (“Me Fail English? That’s Unpossible”).

Jus-10 seems to be alright. Its only the grammar thats the problem. and attitude. But whatever, maybe he’ll learn to think out his post before he writes them. :smiley:


i don’t have problems with the grammer, but i’m on msn so maybe i can read it easyer. Justin’s main problem is that he has this problem with changing topics. Then agan if something’s important enough to tell 100s of people, then don’t make it a riddle.

I love you Nick.

awwwww, stop, your making me blush!

i agree with nick. That jutin_kozy, or whatever guy, his posts make no sense what so ever. he should ask someone’s permission (Gilby?) if he can post before he does because they’re just a waste of time. :angry:

Good work Nick!


That Justin Kozy kid is damn annoyig. He sounds like a little kid thats like 10 or something and justs like to talk like he is someone because he really is som fat little fucker. I really agree Gilby should take him of or block his whole comp from getting to this site(if he can) so he doesnt come back with another name and ruin this site with his bitch ass attitude and stupid remarks.

Hooray for Nick

-Eric, a supporter of Nick

wat the hell

who really gives a rats ass about how i spell or my grammer. I think u guys r just a little up tight, and i do have good grammer but why would i waste all that hard earned grammer on u bunch of worthless excuses for human biengs.
You no wat . you can take this forum and put it u no were :stuck_out_tongue:

and banning me again because i have a reaction when people make fun of me is freakin redicoulus.

i dont mean to pin point this on other people but mainly that nick guy for beeing such a flippin moron , and taking up space and time of other people.

but like i said honestly i dont care:D

All u people are, are total strangers that have nothing better to do then right up these silly forums over people u don’t even no .

do in conclusion , i do have a proper grammer, i am a unicyclist, and i am here just to ask questions and not argue with a bunch of idiots that don’t have the right to be on this site .

Gilby ,

if u want to ban me from this site you can go ahead but there is really no reason to. All i did was defend my self when i needed defending and i think it would be kind of stupid to ban me from the site for not having proper grammer or spelling, am i right or what?

so if u do end up banning me then i want people to know i had a good time ( besides the idiodic morons who made this forum) and i learned alot of neat stuff

so thx for everything gilby .

and i guess theres nothing less to say then good bye unless u don’t ban for doing nothing wrong.


justin kohse)-o

I will once again respond by using my above average logical abilities and flawless reasoning:

“who really gives a rats ass about how i spell or my grammer.”

-I think that when it is an extreme case, such as yours, everyone does.

“why would i waste all that hard earned grammer on u bunch of worthless excuses for human biengs.”

-because we are all better than you, at life.

“you can take this forum and put it u no were”

-Im afraid I dont know “were”, or how for that matter. I realize that you probably have considerable experience with inserting various objects into your asshole, but please, keep that to yourself.

“and banning me again because i have a reaction when people make fun of me is freakin redicoulus.”

-You were banned because you decided to make posts attacking klass bill (spelling on the name? sorry) and others. I for one feel you should stay banned because you obviously dont have the IQ needed to participate in this fourm. Hell, Im supprised you have the Inteligence needed to turn on a computer, let alone to use the internet. (I bet you have AOL. nothing against the rest of you AOL users, but I hate AOL)

“i dont mean to pin point this on other people but mainly that nick guy for beeing such a flippin moron”

-definition of “irony”

“and taking up space and time of other people.”

-please do not read posts under “just conversation” If you dont want to waste time.

“but like i said honestly i dont care”

-way to prove it by responding to me again, and again.

“All u people are, are total strangers that have nothing better to do then right up these silly forums over people u don’t even no .”

-even more irony

“do in conclusion , i do have a proper grammer, i am a unicyclist, and i am here just to ask questions”

-please explain to me how you use any kind of propper grammer. Also, very few, if any, of your questions have been worth reading, let alone answering.

“and not argue with a bunch of idiots”

-you ARE arguing with us. we are not idiots, I think you have demonstrated how dumb you are though.

"that don’t have the right to be on this site . "

Why do I not have the right to use this fourm? Was it not you who was already banned? Yes, It was you who was banned. therefore YOU are really the one who doesnt have the right to use this fourm.

justin_kozy wrote-----------

who really gives a rats ass about how i spell or my grammer. I think u guys r just a little up tight, and i do have good grammer but why would i waste all that hard earned grammer on u bunch of worthless excuses for human biengs.
You no wat . you can take this forum and put it u no were

and banning me again because i have a reaction when people make fun of me is freakin redicoulus.

i dont mean to pin point this on other people but mainly that nick guy for beeing such a flippin moron , and taking up space and time of other people.

but like i said honestly i dont care

All u people are, are total strangers that have nothing better to do then right up these silly forums over people u don’t even no .

do in conclusion , i do have a proper grammer, i am a unicyclist, and i am here just to ask questions and not argue with a bunch of idiots that don’t have the right to be on this site .

Gilby ,

if u want to ban me from this site you can go ahead but there is really no reason to. All i did was defend my self when i needed defending and i think it would be kind of stupid to ban me from the site for not having proper grammer or spelling, am i right or what?

so if u do end up banning me then i want people to know i had a good time ( besides the idiodic morons who made this forum) and i learned alot of neat stuff

so thx for everything gilby .

and i guess theres nothing less to say then good bye unless u don’t ban for doing nothing wrong.


justin kohse)-o

After reading jus-10’s last post I think i have changed my mind somewhat. I used to think that he was an annoying SOB and should have never been un-banned. That last post was civilized and it showed how not and ass jus-10 can be. I think banning him would not be correct. At the moment there is no reason to ban him again. He has not started any fights (ie, klass is an ass, and shut up). That last post also sounded more thought-out, and therefore was more interesting and was easier to understand.

Jus-10, I dont think that bad grammar is so much a problem as the fact that you write like you’re on msn. This is a forum, not a chat group. :smiley:

Jus-10 shouldnt be banned a second time, he is finnaly coming around.


I dont want to go up aganist a mob, but Justin didn’t really do anything to nick, and nick seemed to come out of nowhere on the “i invented a new trick” post. On the other hand, i agree that some of the posts are sort of useless, and that there should be better titles and grammer.

Justin said:
All u people are, are total strangers that have nothing better to do then right up these silly forums over people u don’t even no .

This seemes hiprocrate, considering that he posts a lot and replies to a lot of posts.

Justin said:
do in conclusion , i do have a proper grammer, i am a unicyclist, and i am here just to ask questions and not argue with a bunch of idiots that don’t have the right to be on this site .

Still hyprocrate, he can be on it since he’s a unicyclist, but other unicyclists can’t?
Justin seemes to have a really short fuse, but he can easily come back with a new account if he’s blocked.


im not even gunna bother with u people any more . If you dis like me that much then don’t read my forums and save ur time ok.:smiley:

just put "jk-"or something at the begining of your fourms. Or better yet, get the people who can’t stand you to block you. Everybody wins


i shouldnt have to. it says who made the forum n e way

I don’t see what the big deal was. I read some of his posts and they made ok sense to me. And if they don’t make sense to you, just press the “back” button. Is it that big of a deal?

I don’t think Gilby is going to ban justin kozy, because he hasn’t even done anything wrong. I read his old posts and he’s being a lot nicer now than he was before he was banned. So why don’t you just give him a break?



thx alot nikki , thats the kinda respecet i deserve:D

has any one ever heard the saying you get what you give???
be treated how you would like others to treat you?

just a thought

I was merely expressing my opinion (actually, its more of a fact) that justin_kozy sucks at life. If you want to know my reasoning, please go back and re read my former posts under this topic, and look at past threads in “just conversation” for his posts under his previously banned screen name of jus10 or something like that.

I was never asking for him to be banned (again) (although It would be nice)

I dont give him a break because he does not deserve one. To you and everyone else that says “give him a break”: Thats bullshit. He hasnt apologized to klaas bill or any of the other people he decided to harass with his obnoxious posting. Hell, even if he does say sorry, It wont matter a bit to me, as it took people saying he should, for him to do it. Whomever demanded a public apology to klaas was right, but even with that, justin will still be on my “people who suck at life and deserve to be kicked in the balls repeatedly” list.

You get what you give:
exactly! Remember that tirade you went on, when you started talking smack about klaas. this is what you get.

Treat others as you would like to be treated:
If I ever become as worthless of a human being as justin is, I should hope someone would tell me, so that I could do everyone a favor and die. Just like im doing for him.