bearing removal?????

anyone know how to remove the bearings and holders off a standard hub? ive got a no name brand unicycle with big damn lollypop bearing holders and ive got no idea?

In article <9v19uk$pid$>, jimmytrialsrider
<> writes:

> anyone know how to remove the bearings and holders off a standard hub?
> ive got a no name brand unicycle with big damn lollypop bearing holders
> and ive got no idea? James

If you ever figure it out, let me know - please!

I’ve tried pulling mine off with a gear puller, but the (very flimsy)
puller I’m using just slips off and gave me a very serious whack on the
thumb doing so. I had enough force on it to leave a deep centre-punch mark
on the hub-end, but the bearing wouldn’t budge. So far as I can make out,
there’s no clip or anything - I suppose it’s a press-fit, but maybe
there’s lock-tight or some- thing similar.

What makes you want to pull your bearings out anyway?

For me, the bearings have taken to binding now and then. I can’t seem to
make it happen when there’s no weight on them, but when riding, I
sometimes get a feeling like there’s a sudden gust of wind I’m riding into

  • only there isn’t. I’m assuming that one or the other of my bearings is
    binding. If I could get it out, I could look and see if there’s a problem,
    or just track down a good quality replacement and give it a try.

Gardner Buchanan <> Ottawa, ON FreeBSD: Where you want
to go. Today.

yes ,yes boil the lollypop for 10 minutes and then cool on low for 4 min… then gentlly tap on a goat hare blanket…SORRY I HAVE NO IDEA______________________(how to get them out ,that is…)

No one told you about the Uni Faery? Put the damn thing under your pillow, and no mater what you hear (pedal grabs on the window ceil, gaping off the night table to the bed post), don’t open your eyes- or that KH that WOULD have been there in the morning will turn into a Savage, as fast as the Uni Faery turns into your parents.

I’m hopping on my KH as I type- but why, why I ask you Uni Faery, does it have cottered cranks and a Viscount seat? Whoa be to ye who falls from grace…
