Can any one tell me how to open these bearings I have tryed but can not get the cover off.
Rice Krispy Treats?
Can’t help you out but are those the delicous rice krispy treats you have it sitting on?
Re: Rice Krispy Treats?
Yes it is.
sorry about the picture being blurry thats the best I can do with the current camera.
The metal seals are difficult to remove without damaging the seal. Every time I’ve tried to remove a metal seal I end up bending the metal seal and otherwise damaging it so that it is impossible to reassemble the bearing properly. Bearings with rubber (or plastic) seals are much easier to disassemble and reassemble.
I use small screwdrivers, like the kind used to repair eye glasses, to pry the seals off.
Brian MacKenzie (Sofa) used to have a FAQ on repairing bearings. The link I have to that FAQ is now dead. Hey Brian, where’s the FAQ at now?
I did a search and found that thread but couldnt get anywhere from it because of the dead link.
I was trying to do it with out doing damage but couldn’t get any where. I guess there’s no trick to it.
Thanks John
Whenever the instructions are found, they should be given to AC to put on his site.