
Burns for helmet straps!!!

I’ve got a nice goatee going, I only keep it an inch long or so so it doesn’t look sloppy. I tried the sideburn thing but it grows in too thin on that area, and I can’t grow a mustache to save my life. I might put a picture later.

I’ve let my goatee go a little bit.
Ima go shave.
I’ll post another picture in 20 minutes.

Wait…that is you!

Full beards save time otherwise spent shaving. It will be years before I can grow one though. :frowning:

Argh, double chin!
I want my beard back!

Guruni has a beard since I was 14 years old.

The man has a chestache. Silly him.

To see if there would be a noticeable difference. My leg hair is getting noticeable now, I’ve always had people ask if I shave, even last year. Kind of ironic since I have a huge afro.

I must be wearing the wrong helmets… I always end up shaving 'cause the straps pull the hair painfully :frowning: I had a goatee for a few years after splitting my chin open on the gym floor after a volleyball dive… I couldn’t shave over the stitches, and it was years before I could shave over the scar in under 10 minutes (just for the scar area). Ironically, it was when I really got into unicycling, and no one believed that it was unrelated :smiley:

My last year at university I played Socrates in “Plato’s Symposium”, and couldn’t get a haircut or shave for 3 months… I shaved at the cast party:

I don’t know about any time savings. I grew my first and only beard several years ago. I shaved my neck and upper cheeks everyday to keep it looking neat. I kept the beard almost a year and shaved it off when the security department at work said I had to shave or get a new picture taken for my I.D. badge.

I still have a mustache which I have had since college. It is getting grey/white though and sometimes I think about shaving it off.

i miss mine. The wind is still cold on my chin. Probably doesn’t help that it is off a frozen lake.

You got your chin off a frozen lake? :smiley: