podzal, plz make bear sign on i wanna know how his ridings coming along
i wanna know how bears doing with his uniing
beer is nice
it said bear in mine
Three top threads right now:
“Are you stoned”
“Uni Pics with Hot Girls”
Some debate about Athiesim
Those topics seem a bit adult for him to have to bypass to come here.
I don’t think bear is going to be talking in this thread, but I’m sure that since he is only like 11 or 12 his mother should know how his riding is coming along just fine and can inform us as to this.
Good post Habby. +1
this thread will die out soon
We forgot Bear’s password. Waiting for Gilby to email with it.
He is eager to post of his progress. His spelling has improved a wee bit, too.
He’s 7, soon to be 8, and no, he won’t be browsing the JC fora. He is an Atheist until he’s 18 and he can find God as an adult if he chooses when he’s not under my roof. the whole crucifiction thing is way too R-rated for kids.
Wow, what a cool mom!
LOL, you made a common misspelling of crucifixion. You spelled it cruciFICTION. Get it? Fiction?! But we’re in the wrong thread for that…
Thanks! And that was no misspelling, glad someone was on their toes!
You rock, Blake.
So much anger …must control need to rebuttle…
Blake and Dave believe X very strongly, and you believe Y just as strongly.
X directly contradicts Y, and Y directly contradicts X.
Both X and Y are equally valid beliefs.
Therefore, the best solution is to agree to disagree!
I like what you said here, but disagree with the bolded portion.
Well then go ahead and argue pointlessly…
Who’s arguing? I’m agreeing to disagree.
LOL, we already are! Over in BillyTheMountain’s religion thread.
Sorry, spazdude222. Try to see it from my point of view – religion is everywhere. It’s even printed on the money in my wallet – “In God We Trust”. I don’t get upset every time BELIEF is shoved in my face (and it’s everywhere). I hope you can please consider not being so sensitive whenever you encounter DISBELIEF. Can’t you step out of your Christian shoes for a moment to see the humor in the mis-spelling?
If you want to debate religion, it’s been done here quite a bit already. But we never seem to tire of it, either. Nothing you say could possibly change my mind. As Mr. Potter pointed out, it really is pointless. But for some of us, it’s fun. Let’s not argue here (as you’ve already refrained from doing). The bottom line is – I didn’t mean to anger anybody. And I usually try to keep those type of comments in the religion threads. But hey, blame it all on Blake. She made the “typo”.
Well you can blame it on me, but I might just be a mechanistic determinist and deny responsibility for any and all of my actions.
I gotta get ready for my speech at the Flat Earth Society. After all, without knowledge, there would be no ignorance. Then what a bore the world would be.
Later dudes and thanks for the kudos.