A mountain biker in B.C. Canada was apparently killed by a bear last Saturday. It was a black bear and not a grizzly. Yeouch. Be careful to all of you (including me) who live in or near bear country. This happened at a mountain biking park.
It sounds like it’s perfectly possible that the woman died some other way and the bear just found a dead body in the woods…of course it’s just as possible that the bear killed her.
Either way, shooting the bear was very unnecessary, I think.
I think us MUni riders are even more likely to be attacked than mtb riders, we make less noise, so we’re more likely to spook the bears Watch out you guys!
Another thing you could do is wear bells on your clothes, and carry pepper spray. It’s also useful to be able to recognize different kinds of bear droppings…black bear feces are smaller, and generally have a few undigested berries and sometimes leaves in them. Grizzly bear feces are larger, and have bells in them and smell like pepper spray.
I hope we’ll be able to get a follow-up to the story in a couple days to answer some of those questions. I have a Google News alert set that I hope will find any follow-ups.
Some of the areas I ride get reports of black bears in the area. They’re around. They wander and roam. I hope to avoid any bear encounter. I’m not prepared for one if it did happen (I don’t carry bear spray or anything else that would help).
ur kidding right
a bear that eats humans developes a taste for this easy prey and will kill more people if npt shot. even if the bear didnt kill the women the investigators needed to recover the body and a bear wouldnt be to keen on sharing his prey/scavenge
I doubt the bear attacked her i think a small probably one year old blackbear would not beaable to attack a person it would just run away
How far away can you use the bear spray for it to deter a charging bear ?..& if you spot a mountain lion instead, would a bear spray be effective as well ?..Thanks…
if you would you ride with john if he was covered in bacon grease, he’d probably reek, somehow I don’t see sweat and bacon grease smelling very pleasant. I’d go with honey