bc wheel

no, i mean you see the whole thing but from what i remember. The camera seems to lose focus just as his reaching the bottom.

Oh ok, what video are you talking about?

I dont really find too much difference in the sizes, though 20" is probably the easiest. I’ve ridden an 8" which was really really easy, except I had to learn to keep my feet flat so they didnt hit the ground.

Hey spencer, My friend was the one who found the vid. So when i see him again. I’ll ask him where he found it & i’ll you know.

Ive been practicing not much over two hours on my wooden plates and 24" wheel and can go about two car lengths but seem to run out of oomph, i can ride down hills to but it gets to fast and i fall. i tried to ‘skate mount’ mine monday night after a few two many ‘tis great to be finished school’ drinks and snapped off one of the plates :frowning:

damn it me and my friend can’t find the video. If anyone can find the video of the person who was riding down the spiral steps of a lighthouse on a BC. Please let me know.

Thank you

Are you thinking of this video? http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?t=54524

There are spiral stairs like you are talking about but a guy rides down them on a uni, not bc.

check out my video

This is my new BC wheel video… if you’re on Youtube, please rate and comment! I hope you all enjoy it. :slight_smile:

You should have just posted one thread in the video forum instead of posting it in every bc related thread you can find.

thanks, that’s a good idea