BC wheel on Vice Do's and Don'ts

I don’t know if anyone here reads VICE magazine, it is a pretty good/crummy free magazine, usually pretty edgy for the sake of being edgy and being in your face.

They run a column called Do’s and Don’ts where they have a picture of people and make rude comments about their fashion, or whatever they are doing in general. Usually if it is a Do, it is a do that you don’t really want that much, or just totally misogynistic, or really funny. If it is a don’t, it can range from, they came up with a really great way to make fun of something that is actually pretty awesome, or they found something so horrid that it must be taken down.

I was checking it out today online for some larfs and I came upon a BC wheel!

Of course they put it in their Don’ts section, but someone should try and get one in the Do’s section, maybe a picture of Bryan doing that huge spine transfer!


Here it is, also if you are easily offended, don’t surf the website itself, nothing that bad, just a lot of mean comments and some rude language.