BC trick?

I was wondering if anyone has done this on a BC,

  1. roll toward object(bench would work)
  2. jump off BC
  3. jump over the bench while the BC goes under
  4. land on BC and keep rolling

I got the trick from skateboarding, has anyone done it?

I have thought about it but its alot harder on a bc than a skateboard because a skateboard can fit under alot more stuff than a bc can.

I can see the problem.

Hmmm, you could build a little obstacle like this:


out of 2 by 4’s, buut that would take a while

pretend the second column of I’s is on the other side of the drawing:)

Yeah, I have looked at tables (they def. won’t fit under benches) and most ables have a solid side or a bar that goes across the bottom.

It would also be hard to jump off it it that high without pushing it over. I can no footer pretty well and if I try to go for a huge extention it falls over really easily. The other problem is sometimes it gets turned a little bit when you jump off but if you are coming straight back down you can still land on it and correct it. If it is going 5-6’ under a table then it will probably hit something.

I would like to see it be done but you might have to build something special for it (enough clearance to allow the bc to go through but not huge so you have to leap off).

edit: and that I am talking about a 20", with a 24" it would just cause more problems.

sorry im gonna have to agree with evan


lol is banned

so i am gonna have to say… hahaha

somedody has done it on uw


go down to the section about jump over pole