!bb Must Die!!

Big Brother is the biggest waste of every concivable aspect of human existance… :angry:

Could you elaborate your sentence, please.

I’m not too fond of Big Brother myself, but not sure how it wastes every conceavable aspect of human existance.

Yes, i agree, BB is sh!t.
They should ditch it and put King of the Hill back on:D

Right on.

Why not go and unicycle while it’s on?

i did not realise it was still on?

There is only one reason people watch late night big brother…

I thought you meant Bib Brother as some sort of the ultimate imaginary authority figure. Like in 1984.

But, apparently, it’s some tv show.

apparently, a chick called emma is in the house, her father died and she wasnt told.

read this…

i dont like the idea…

That’s what I thought too…


I’ve never heard of it.

its a wast of air time, and mental health for some

The father asked that she not be told, so it wasn’t like it was something the producers decided.

If you don’t like it don’t watch it.

yeah, me too…

is the show based on 1984?

It’s funny how all the people with hippie inclinations think that.

You mean intellectuals?

Coz its dark/cold and sometimes raining at this time of the year when its on, otherwise i would:(

So you go create a thread about it in a community of unicyclists.
If you feel so strongly about it don’t complain to us.
Find someone that cares.
It’s a great show.

I also thought this thread was an intelluctual discussion about the book 1984, imagine my shock once I found out it was an underage kid babbling on about a TV show he didn’t like.

i say we turn this into a literature thread…
television sucks…

hey goats you know what? i have not watched TV for about a year :o i watch the odd southpark episode or a documentry (David attenborough must live forever) but apart from that, nothing! i dont know whether to be proud or not. it isn’t that i am going out of my way not to watch it but i just dont really want to watch anything that is on.