Battlefield 1947

Does anyone play online???

Why play battlefield when you can play call of duty?:smiley:

Why play Call of Duty when you can play CSS?

TF2, ftw. seriously.

Why play video games when you could be unicycling?!

i LOVE battlefield 1942.
I wanna get my hands on 2142 but i’m kind of broke until my blacksmithing company starts up and running fully or i get a better job where i’m willing to work more.

2142 is pretty awesome. i think counter strike source is just as good for $20 less. if u guys havent seen/played crysis tho…u gotta, it’s awesome. call of duty 4 sounds good and how is team fortress 2???

Guys I play them all but i was wondering if someone wanted to teamup online on battlefield…

americas army is better if you can put up with the brainwashing and rediculous realism.

hehe, that one made me laugh

Why play CSS when you can be out unicycling?

Sometimes it’s too rainy or cold. And I need to keep my hand-eye coordination and reflexes up for when I am inevitably attacked by ninjas.