I play bass. I have a fender squier. I also play the drums. And I hope to get a didgeridoo.
Here’s a picture of my bass. Ain’t she beautiful?
i was gonna do that… but i caught it being about instruments and didn’t
Les and the rest of Primus are half Gods all of them especially Mr. Claypool
Yah well this is my Bass he really kicks butt…
Not to kill your enthusiasm for a new instrument, but what draws you to the didge? I’m impressed with the player in Jamiroquai (only band I’ve heard with a didge), but I think their music would be just as good without it. And the hippie-didge-gurus here in town who blow those things in drum circles and on streetcorners, well, I wouldn’t call that music. Sounds more like a hoarse cow stuck at the bottom of a well.
So, when are the uni-musicians on this board gonna post some links to their own mp3s? I’d love to hear what everyone’s playing in their garage / basement / studio / wherever…
I’ve been playing bass for near 3 years. I use a GSR200 Ibanez.
Fender Jazz bass
been playing 9 years. But I prefer guitar.
the use of the didge in recorded music is kinda interesting and limited, all at the same time
it’s great for adding texture and mood, but since it’s of limited tonality, it’s not great for carrying a melody
unless u’re going to mic it up and run it thru a couple of FX machines, eventually using it as the sound of (eg) your keyboard
yes, u could simply sample it and do the same thing, but that’s not nearly as much fun
when used in this way, it makes for a very interesting bass-line
i still prefer my didge when i’m playing on my own and i’m sitting around a fire and after about two hours (mine is made from very thick bamboo) it’s so warmed up that the whole didge becomes almost like the reed in a clarinet and u start hearing the pipe kicking out the ‘resident harmonies’
and u suddenly realise that even tho u’re responsible for making a fair amount of sound, u’re not quite sure if u’re responsible for that
a lil’ while in and u get used to it and u start playng around with trying to control it
these sounds do not react the way u would expect and trying to control them is just about as much fun as u can have with a didge, and your clothes on
adding vocalisations down a pipe that’s running like this just ads to the fun
let’s just say that the Vocoder is but a pale imitation;)
i won’t try n sell this experience to u as somehting u have to hear
it’s something u have to do
I play the VIOLIN and have for about five years. I’m currently working on the Mendelsohn and Khachaturian concertos. Anyone else play classical music?
I’ve been playing classical (mostly Bach and Mozart) pieces arranged for the flute, on my Baroque recorders (soprano and alto), off and on since I was about 9. Being eclipsed by the flute in range and intensity, one does not find such an instrument in an orchestra these days, even though they’re handed out in most grade school music programs. I like to call it “flute for dummies”. As such, I’ve never played the recorder outside my house. No, you don’t have to thank me
Sorry about continuing to steer this thread entirely off course but I put together a recorder quartet when I was in college. Great fun and we even did a few recitals.
i play calssical and solo double bass as well as bass guitar
I play various instruments, amongst which percussion and standing base. No bass guitar, but have done that and still own one.
Look here for some samples of our folk band Mista. Where you hear percussion, that’s me, except in Ani Eshtagea (guitar). Otherwise, when you hear base, that’s me. Where you hear lead vocals, that’s me also except in Garoon. The homepage of Mista is here.
Klaas Bil
play any instrument of the saxhorn family
2 cornets
1 bugle
2 altos
2 bass
1 sousaphone (bass not contra-bass)
- a trumpet , a mini-trumpet
for the moment I feel more bugle-inclined
(it’s a funny Boosey & Hawkes that looks like a mongrel
from a love affair between a bugle and a trumpet)
this fulfill my romantic inclinations