I have just started unicycling and i need some tricks to start off on. I have a pashley unicycle and have been going for a week, and now i’m getting bored with just riding so please can u give me some basic tricks to start with.
You could start working on the level 2 and 3 skills in the 10 freestyle unicycling skill levels.
The IUF skill levels list
The USA skill levels list
General skill levels list
All three lists are basically the same. Some of the descriptions and hints for the skills are slightly different in the three lists so one list may describe a particular skill better than the other two lists.
Leo has also made a web site with videos of the different skills
The 10 skill levels
Freestyle skills
Standard skills
and others
A fun alternative mount is the side mount. A very useful skill to learn is idling
The various skills listed should keep you busy for a long time. Keep in mind that the 10 skill levels are not an exhaustive list of skills. There are many skills that are not included in the 10 levels along with variations on the individual skills.
There are a few at www.unicycle.2ya.com
Tricks is one way to go. I’ve been riding for over ten years and I still can’t do any tricks. I do other stuff while riding (Playing hockey and basketball, juggling , MUni). Try riding on different terrains (Grass, gravel, proper off-road) it’s fun and challenging.
Just another option