BART police executes man

I’m sure you have all heard of this by now but since there is no thread about it I thought I’d start one. The videos are horrifying as well as surreal; I can’t believe someone who is supposed to protect the community could do this.

I thought this thread would be Simpsons related.

I also thought polystyrene would be a tasty addition to a sandwich.

i should stop thinking.

And he appears for a meeting with his ‘union representative’?!?

I don’t mean to be funny here, but wouldn’t a full blown lawyer be advisable in this instance?

I’ll wait until I have both sides of the story and not draw any conclusions about something I wasn’t present for based only on shaky cell phone video where you can’t even tell what’s going on.

…and last night an unruly mob went on a rampage and sacked 7 or 8 storefronts (minority owned) and trashed the cars of a lot of working folks, all in the name of getting justice…

Senseless mob mentality, and people generally being idiots, if you ask me…

I am truly appalled by the killing, and do need to know all of the facts (I have seen 4 or 5 different videos of the shooting), but to destroy the hard work and property of others, who have nothing to do with the BART station killing is egregious.

Last night I went for a bike ride and happened across the protest. By the time I got there, the violence had subsided, probably because of the entire oakland police force was there with streets blocked off and in full riot gear. Helicopters swirling about above, and every news truck in the area was there.

I did see some of its aftermath. People are pissed off! Rightly so, but directed improperly.

I expect to see another riot if the cop isn’t tried and convicted of murder.

Hmmmm… nobody was condoning the mobs.

We’re talking about someone who’s meant to protect citizens, abusing their power in a terrifying, deadly fashion.

Vandalism is bad but in the long run isn’t a big deal. Murder is a different story.

I’m wondering what the cure for such behavior would be, besides more police. Why do people think vandalism will further any cause, when they could use many other means to improve the situation. Why aren’t these people at the BART police headquarters, demanding a public apology? Why aren’t they writing and calling their state representatives, demanding an investigation and/or reform?

Instead, they trash the businesses inside their own community.

So, a police officer kills someone, and they go out and attract more police attention? And they’ve got no sympathy for when they hurt one of their own?

Ergh. My head hurts.

Is there supposed to be something in that video clip that proves the police shot the guy on purpose? If it wasn’t on purpose it’s not exactly an execution. I can’t even make out in that video where a gunshot is taking place, let alone which guy is doing it (looks like the guy in the back).

Certainly it was, at a minimum, a major f-up. If it was an intentional killing you’d think they would seek out a less public location to do it? In fact, based on what appears to be a lot of people watching, with cameras, to choose to execute a person there would be a mighty bold (or stupid) move. I’m voting for stupid. Looks like an accident to me. Which means somebody really, really messed up.

Sounds like the part of Oakland where this happened is where my friend used to live during his mission project, helping out poor people in a very nasty part of Oakland. Mobs are never smart. What’s worse is when you get an individual, apart from said mob and possibly hours later, who makes quotes like the one above. Apparently it’s okay to sacrifice a few unrelated businesses to make a statement about the BART police? Cooler heads must prevail.

So, hoping for a cooler head, let’s start with intent. Any reason these cops wanted to kill that guy?

It was the mob mentality that got the USA into Iraq, talk about senseless killing…

Maybe I should watch the vid… But I really don’t want to see a video of a human being murdered…

But just how does one kill someone by accident?
Wasn’t the man already tazed?

You really can’t tell what is actually happening in the video. The video is an explanation of nothing and gives no real insight into what actually happened.

In the video, the cop clearly steps back, draws his gun, and fires. I don’t see how it’s possible for that to happen accidentally.

edit: i must have seen a different video, because this one its hard to make anything out.

The shooter has already resigned from the police force.

These two videos are at a better angle and should end the problem of the quality of video.

To me, there’s no mistaking it. He did it on purpose.

Like I said on one of the videos:

“I think it’s really sad that many people are going to start hating every cop they see because of this. I’m not saying I’m ok with what happened here, because this is just sickening that a cop would do this. But I’ve met plenty of very nice, intelligent, and altogether great cops. It seems like a bunch of you (((on youtube, not now hate every cop in America. Just be smart and don’t take your anger out on any cop you see. Their not the one who drew their firearm on a person laying face down.”

True, not every cop is responisble for this kind of stuff but police break the law and endanger the lives of civilians way to much without fear of being punished.
My guess is that, the killer, if sentenced, will get a VERY light sentence.
Why isn’t he in jail already if they know who he was?

The police need to get tought.
Not saying all of them are bad but they abuse their power far too much and too violently.

I completely agree with everything you said, but I just don’t want other people to take it out on every other cop. Without cops, I wouldn’t be typing this. In fact, I probably wouldn’t have a house, a computer, or a unicycle. There’s even a good chance I wouldn’t be alive. People are too violent in the world, and police are the ones who (generally) keep us safe. Not kill us.

Tell that to the media. They’re all but silent about the 1,000s of police officers who do their job well everyday. Instead we hear story after story about the few bad apples.

I read in an unrelated article that during an investigation, any officer that refuses to cooperate with Internal Affairs can lose their job.

Looks like this guy has already decided how he’s going to contribute to the investigation.

YEAH! Let’s get down on the media!

I haven’ heard them say anything nice about ALL the fantastic unicyclists either!