Banjo site

For anyone interested, I found a site called Banjo Hangout that seems to have good information and resources and, yet another, discussion forum for me to spend my oh so valuable time. They even have a separate forum just for Religion and Politics apart from their forum for non-banjo related matters.

Pickin’ and a twingin’,
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

I just had a moment of correlation …?

Is there a connection between banjos and unicycles…?
(I had BOTH as a kid)

Makes me think so, just from this post anyway. :smiley:
(maybe from watching He-Haw on T.V. , ?)

Pickin’ and a cringin’
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Just to aid in understanding how mentioning those two sites help answer DigitalDave’s question: both sites are run by John Drummond and coworkers.

Klaas Bil

Edit: I’m not into banjos, but for anyone who is, it seems that the site JJuggle found is a great resource. Good find JJuggle! - KB