Bald kid cant wear cap in School

I just read this story and thought it was interesting. Personnaly I dont think he should be able to wear it. What do you think. heres the link.

What? You really believe that? What ever happened to being considerate? Rules are set in place to help the children learn, and sometimes there are exceptions. If it stops the teasing it will certainly would help him focus more. I hate when I see things like this, you can’t tell me a child who’s bald and needs a cap to protect his eyes with is disrupting class or is a problem. Yes, rules are rules, but there needs to be exceptions every once in a while. Why don’t they crack down on things that matter anymore like the bullies huh?

Who cares if it’s not distracting?

Id switch schools where I have more freedom, and where there is a bit more authority over the bullying issue.

The school he is going, is a school id enver step foot in.

The thing is tho is that he started wearing it when he started junior high. Before that he was fine with being hatless. Therefore he doesnt wear it for scrictly medical reasons and shouldnt be able to break the rules. If I have an embarrassing haircut should I be able to break the rules while others must follow them?

His isnt an embarrassing haircut, his is a lifestyle that he is stuck with without paying money for a good wig, or hair transplant, which may be impossible for him anyways with his immune system attacking his hair, and the fact that he has no hair they could clone. And right now I dont think we are fully able to take hair follicles from one person and implant them into another.

He didnt need to wear a hat because before middle school, people had the decency and respect to not make fun of him and accept how he looks and who he is. That has changed now, and now he is getting bullied for something he has no control over.

The isolation sounds crazy, unless it is more of a home schooling program. But then taking him away from a lot of social life would also suck.

Im not sure about the whole fluorescent light issue. That should be looked into, cause if the condition from the lighting is exaggerated, then he should just wear a beanie.

Ha, it’s in the UK, no wonder. They have to wear uniforms there. :roll_eyes:

This kids seems like he gets enough crap. Rules are meant to help not hurt you do understand that don’t you? When the rules are doing the opposite an exception is to be made. That’s pretty much common sense, rules are put in a place for a good reason normally, but sometimes that same reasoning shouldn’t/doesn’t apply to a certain situation.

He also said beanies gave him headaches. Why the beanie and not the cap is what I’d also like to know?

Material im guessing. Polyester makes my head itch, but doesnt effect me anywhere else, like if a sweater has polyester in it. A regular hat doesnt make me itchy though.

I meant when didn’t they allow the hat, but the beanie. Beanies also made my head itch when I had short hair.

I agree with Wickedbob. Everybody understands what the hat rule is for. Give him a note. Hats must be worn unles you have {that kid’s condition} with no head hair or eyebrows. Odd that they’re unwilling to do that yet they are willing to spend a lot of extra money to teach the kid in isolation.

For now, he should cut the brim off the baseball cap and wear it with the beanie over it.

Why should he be able to wear a hat just cause he has no hair. I dont understand why kids would make fun of him any less. They still would know hes bald.

I’m against dress codes in general. They are stupid and pointless, and just seem to get in the way of the rules that actually make sense.

I find dress codes stupid too but I just dont think he should be exempt from a rule everone has to follow.

Kids will do things that don’t make sense. Why do kids make fun of kids who are poor that wear walmart clothes, but not ones who wear Levi’s even though everybody knows they are poor. Do you not understand rules are put in place at schools to make the environment safe, enjoyable, relaxed and etc. They are there to help students, period. When they are not helping certain students they should be rethought since they are no longer useful in the situation at hand. Is it that hard to understand? He shouldn’t be aloud to wear a hair just because he is bald, he should be aloud since it is appropriate and helpful to his learning and progression. Should rules override sympathy in a case like this? I think not.

If the school would handles it’s real problems and not a kid like this he might not need the hat. But, oh, real problems take effort. Bullying a child, well hell that’s easy. Lets threaten to separate him and pay extra to have him taught alone that will make people think we are on top of things.

I agree. There are some people that need to wear hats all the time.

In many cases that is all that keeps people from sticking a condom over their heads.

It is good that the U.K. has schools with rules like this. The kid will grow up and have the emotional baggage necessary to be a good musician and write something on par with Pink Floyd’s “The Wall”.


Would it be different if he lost his hair thru chemo?

Switching schools would seem to be the easiest answer, if that’s even possible.

yeah i wonder that.
But let’s be honest the UK is ridiculous with their school dress codes. But the kids and parents actually like them… so they keep them.