Bad Sprain or broken....

On monday, I took a fall :(. Trying to hop sif. I wasn’t wearing any wrist protectors, and I fall backwords. It hurt really bad when it happened, and it didn’t hurt much later, unless I put preausure on it. So the next day I decide to go back out, with wristguards this time. I fall again but this time forward, and its hurts even worst. Probably if I hadn’t had hurt it the day before it wouldn’t have hurt as much because I did have wristguards on. But the pain was sooooo bad, and I knew something was wrong. I sit down in my chair on my porch with my wristguards still on for about 25 minutes. I was arfraid to take my guards off because I thought the bone would be sticking out of the skin or something. Luckily once I did take them off, the bone wasn’t sticking out of the skin but it was swelling up fast. I ran in and put some ice on it. The next day I was playing Basketball during recess, and when I caught the ball the first time, my wrist just shot pain up my arm. I decided to sit out, and my arm was hurting all that day. Today its very swollen, and I was thinking about going to the ER, but I don’t plan on doing that until Friday or Saturday. I just hope it isn’t broken, because the doc will probably no Unicycling until the cast is off or something like that. Has anyone broke there wrist, and were they required to not unicycle until the cast was off? Lets just hope my wrist is sprained, and not broken.

Re: Bad Sprain or broken…

Are you saying you would rather have permanent wrist damage, pain for maybe a year or more, and possible permanent loss of range of motion, just so you can ride for a few weeks right now?

I don’t think you have actually thought this through yet. Things like this are what parents are for. If you haven’t told them yet, the longer you wait the more you will regret it! You only get one pair of wrists, and they’re very important; not just for unicycling!

Oh yes i have told them, its just we haven’t had time to go the the ER.

You should have a nurse hotline of some sort in your area. Sometimes the local hospital will run them or your health insurance company may run one. You can call them up and get basic info on things like what can I do, where can I go to get it fixed, how long can I wait, etc. Look them up. They’ll be able to answer your questions.

So find the nurse hotline in your area and give them a call.

haha who needs wrists your unicycling the one thing that you can mostly do without arms (except grabbing the seat to hop) i say go get it checked my wristed are really bad to (i crack them to much) and now whenever i rotate or put enough pressure on them the do the same.

Heed the wise words of johnfoss. HOPING that your wrist isn’t broken won’t make it any less broken if it is broken, and you might want to, like, USE that hand for something at some point later in life. So stop doing stuff with it like playing basketball, and get it taken care of, right away. You might have to let your uni rest for a few weeks, or you might not; do as directed in any case. About a year ago I fell off of a teeter-totter and broke my left thumb. I had to get two pins put into it, and wear a cast for several weeks. The doctor didn’t tell me that I couldn’t ride while it was healing, so I did, though only at my usual non-threatening level. Your results may vary.

This is getting stranger. Haven’t had time for medical treatment? What exactly is getting in the way of that? Now I’m starting to wonder about your parents.

sometimes if it doesn’t seem to be too serious then other things have to come first, thats life.

There’s no need to be voicing doubts about the parenting abilities of someone you’ve never even met without knowing the whole story.

edit: for the record, if you’re not sure what the problem is, my advice is to take it straight to the doctor as well, but I know from bitter experience it doesn’t always work out that way.

All he said was he was starting to wonder about the guy’s parents. That’s what I thought, too. Like what could be more important than having your son’s ballooned-up wrist checked out at the hospital?

I see your point, and I did say that i thought going to the doctors was the best thing to do. But, whilst I’m sure it wasn’t intended to, “I’m starting to wonder about your parents” could very easily sound like an insult to me.

Sure, but who cares about insults when your son’s wrist is all mucked up, perhaps damaged for life. I know if my son came home with a painful wrist as a result of a fall, I would not be too conserned about what anyone says–I’d be sitting next to him in the ER making sure he got it checked out by a doctor right away and by right away, I mean five minutes after he told me what happened.
You don’t mess with wrists–I say that as a parent. And I totally agree with John and Digigal1, – no insult intended, but you can’t help but wonder where some parents have their priorities. When it comes to my kids, their health is priority number one and nothing else comes close.

Yeh, that was sort of offensive. My mom has been very busy, her dad just passed away. I had to go to the funeral today. My mom is a nurse, and she looked at my arm and says she doesn’t think its broken. The swelling went down today, and it is starting to feel a lot better, I can move it pretty well, so I don’t think its broken. The pain is also starting to go away. So I think I should be okay by monday.

This sounds very suspicious. An injured wrist that swells up and hurts. Excuses not to get it looked at except by a nurse. No emergency room visit. Now, the swelling is going down and the pain is going away.

I would say this is either a case of food poisoning or meningitus. It could be whooping cough or rubella, but the first two choices are the most likely. I would have a typewriter repairman examine it immediately.

Dude, go to a doctor ASAP. Get it checked out, you never needed to go to the ER, but go down to a doctors office and get it checked out, you wont need a cast, and I’m sure you’ll be able to uni all you want, just get it checked out before it gets any worse… Still reading? Go to a doctor, NOW!

Wow thanks dad, I’m glad you care about me soooo much. I plan on going to the hopital on saturday to get it checked out. Because I have been very busy with a death in the family so I haven’t had time to go. My mom (nurse) did wrap it in a bandage so it should be good, and I am resting it a lot but yes I did say it is getting a lot better.

Hahaha thats a great response, typerwriter repairman thats great! I hope its not meningitus cause that could be fatal! But it could be food poisoning because I did eat at the Old Country Buffet the other night and it was Raw Beef night…well

I wasn’t serious about the parental thing above, just reacting to what was written in a semi-serious way. I doubt that Mercy’s parents were telling him ‘not now, there’s an important TV show coming on!’

Sorry about the death in your family, I know how that drive priorties all over the place. And your mom being a nurse, it’s very different to know that!

BTW, even if it’s not broken or even badly sprained, it may need time to heal. Don’t let it heal and you could still do permanent damage. A friend of mine did this with his ankle, and never got full range of motion back. That matters a lot to us unicyclists. And he was one of us.

im sure it broken, the same thing happend to me on my bike a year ago. I went off a jump and just landed realy hard and wha if hurt bad in my wrist area, and after that i didnt hurt much at al unless i moved back and forth it or twisted it. the next day i went to the ER and took an X-ray and it was broke in 3 spots.

A lot better! :slight_smile:

My wrist is feeling a lot better today!! I can move it with little pain. The swelling has gone down a lot. So I think it was just a sprain, so does my mom (nurse). A lot it needed was time to rest, and depending on how it feels i meet go riding tomorrow. I am still going to the doctors today, just to see if it is healing alright.

Thanks for the update; glad to hear the swelling is down!

I’m glad to here you care :wink: I can’t wait to get out tomorrow, its supposed to be beautifal.