bad spelins(spellings)

some people moan about bad spellings this really bugs me as i normally spot the mistake after i can change it and some like jjuggle go on a long rant about it. i really don’t care and normally just skip the post so you may wonder why is this guy moaning this story has a more than likely missspelllt begining midle and ed but the point is if you hate being moaned at the there is a way to spell right everey tim just write your post/thread what ever in word and then copy and paste it into unicyclist and it works i tested it the other day.
the great speller


now did you purposley spell those words wrong in your paragraph or are u just being an idiot?

Re: hey

Using Word is all well and good, but it won’t split posts into readable sentences for you… :smiley:

It’s often called “humour”…


Re: bad spelins(spellings)

I don’t rant, I invite to a dialogue. :smiley:

And it’s JJuggle, not jjuggle, thank you very much.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Have you tried using the ‘Preview Reply’ feature? Instead of pressing submit, and then finding your mistakes, you are better off previewing and that way you can edit mistakes out before they reach the forum. If you submit and then edit mistakes out the Usenet readers will probably get the original post with mistakes included. Also the edit thingy has a timer so you only have a short time to fix your post. I don’t think honest spelling mistakes or typos are bad things, and they can add amusement in some cases. It is when people show total lack of understanding of the English language (or whatever language they are using) that you begin to wonder about the intellect of the author. It annoys me a little bit how some people don’t use capital letters at the start of sentences. It doesn’t really matter, but how hard is it to hold shift while pressing a key once in a while? We’re all human (apart from some automated spam-bots) so we can expect to make mistakes now and then.

If you are using Windows and Internet Explorer, ieSpell is better than Word for spell checking forum posts. ieSpell will spell check text input boxes on web pages. Very handy for spell checking forum posts. It integrates with IE. You type in your post, right-click in the text box, and select “Check Spelling”.

It’s a free application, but donations are accepted.

At least try to put some puncuation in your sentences if you’re going to spell everything incorrectly.

People who don’t stop bitching about typos really piss me off. One of my pet peeves is stupid bastards who think they’re better than everyone else because they spell everything correctly… and then rub typos in the face of people who spell shit wrong just to look good. Well guess what Motherf***, YOU’RE NOT IMPRESSING ANYBODY!!!

Anyway, i just had to rant. Sorry to fly off the handle like that :smiley:

True, people who point out spelling mistakes that were obviously an oversight are being dinks.

On the other hand, people who spell things incorrectly on purpose (to look cool? I don’t know) are just being idiots.

What purpose does a sentence full of garbage serve? Not much, except to the 8 year old who wrote it.

Do everyone a favour, and type like a normal human being. Unless UR2KL <—See?!?

Swonka, you spelled “Mother-Goose” wrong. Tsk tsk, what a shame.

it’s good to express your feelings sometimes you just need to let it all out (like my thread on rugby :stuck_out_tongue: )

Since I am, I believe, among those here who have been called a moaner, stupid bastard, motherfcker, and I think, dink, I’ll respond. I’ve also been called a passive-aggressive, which actually may be true.

Firstly, sticks and stones can break my bones but names will never hurt me. :slight_smile:

Secondly, I have poked fun at misspellings on occasion, but have never seriously attacked anyone for the random typo.

Thirdly, and lastly, it has been my contention that when addressing matters in a serious way - and by serious I mean expecting a considered response, not important in subject matter - one should attempt to write clearly and unhurriedly. Such deliberate attention to ones own language assists the reader in understanding the comment or question and in formulating a response or providing assistance. It’s really that simple.

And by the way, yes, I do enjoy, figuratively speaking, the sound of my own voice. But here on the Internet, I think that is not uncommon. Many here, I’m sure, share my admiration for those who seem able to resist the urge to blather; I am not among them.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

  • Dink as far as I know is an acronym for “dual income, no kids” referring to couples who both work, have no children and have lots of disposable income. At one time I thought it was a racial slur against Asians, but was never able to confirm this from anyone who used the term. So what does dink mean (well actually the context here makes it clear) but more to the point, where does it come from?

I’m among those who have been corrected by JJuggle, and I have absolutely no problem with the way it was done. It didn’t seem like an attempt to show off.

You are right in both cases. I wouldn’t consider “double income no kids” to be an insult, but the other meaning is not quite as friendly. It is offensive slang for a North Vietnamese soldier or guerrilla in the Vietnam War. Another meaning is a machine too small to be worth bothering with, which is the most appropriate meaning in this case (in my opinion). If you are bothered (like Xwonka) by someone criticising spelling or typos I suggest you improve your spelling so as not to be a target of criticism. I think XWonka’s outburst of profanity followed by a faked apology displayed far more dinkyness (small mind/machine) than the spelling police.

Wow!!! When I wrote this thread I never thought that any one would reply.
I put a full stop in I normally do not bother with punctuation as I a normally I a rush too summit a thread. That is why my spellings are wrong and yes I did spell stuff wrong on purpose the fact people write in about type o’s and “rub it in your face” I think someone said. Does not bother me it’s when you trying to find
something out and then someone says you spelt whatever wrong. Everyone else jumps on the bandwagon and the question is never answered.

I take it you didn’t see this thread.

P.s. My post didn’t target JJuggle, even though he is known to point out spelling mistakes once in awhile. But more so to people who point out typos in arguments, let’s say, about helmet useage or something like that. I mean, geez. What point does it serve?

Re: bad spelins(spellings)

sum pee pull mone uh bout bat spell lings this real lee bugs me as i normal lee spot the miss take after eye can change it and sum goo on a lung rent uh bout et. eye real lee don’t cur and normal lee just skip the posed sew ewe may one der y is this guy moning this store rea has a moor than like lee miss spilt bee gin ning mid dull and ed butt the point is if ewe haet be ying moned at the their is a whey two spell write ever rea time just right you’re post/thread what ever in word and than cop pee and paste et in to unicyclist and it works eye tested it the other day.
the great speller

There ya go, I even ran it through the spell checker! Not a single error!

hoos u tihk speels bard looekd is liek a idoits??? u tihk wyas no evem coosler 2 seplls no goo??? wel tahs jos teh stopuidres for u!!111!1 hahahaha so meor funeer wehn u r ne maed to stoopidres yah?? 1 tihk yah tah s it. cuz u don evem makign fun of tohs pplz hoo maeks teh spelsign bad 2 luk kewlerz tehn teh rest cuz is tr00. no idios yah, n0w yos t3h 1 hoo ma3ks is t3h idio5t y4h is si4d beh m3 1 jus sasy 17 makesign meh teh nos 1d107 bah teh g00d3rets tehn a11 0f tehrets ouyf t3mykjhtahyt tah no st00p1z alkjlsopoall oftehy lklllhnkjh p98 y98yiuhdsfiuhjiu234546kjhl78p708po23i49u30lkjls hahaha poi509jjkl LOLOLOLOLZZZ!!11!111ytiugygljbkmnliu4iuh65657j

ed17s0rz: hahaha j43m5 p0773R u r no goo 47 tah spellstign cuz i juts PWNT u at teh godnezerz off teh 1337n355 badseplzzign!!111!1111!111

Re: hey

Are you saying that someone who makes spelling errors and doesn’t do it on purpose is an idiot? Interesting… :slight_smile:

Klaas Bil

Re: Re: hey

If it wasn’t on purpose…yes, he’s an idiot (in that particular post, not in general)