bad sounds from a kh

my kh saddle is making some cracking noises any body know why?i know this could be in the reveiw but i think it is more of a question than a reveiw?help!!

Do these sounds occur while hopping or just riding? Is it adjusting at all when you pull/push on it?


I am willing to bet that any of the nuts aren’t tight under there.

The four nuts holding the seat to the post, or the nuts holding the handles to the seat.

Caution: There is a VERY fine line between tightening them ‘enough’ and having stripped plastic holes in your seat where the nuts spin freely.

I hope my nuts are ok



i posted a forum bout my kh saddle and it was cause the bolts were loose. After i posted it my saddle snapped off and the bolts ripped out, I luckly got another one from norco but after a week of riding it the bolts were loose again so i orderd a miyata.

later. justin


I am surprised that even considers selling those KH seats in such a defective state. They know full well that there are problems, but must have too many in stock to throw away or fix up. There will be improvements on the 2004 model apparently, but this year they are still selling the original faulty ones. Maybe they are counting on them lasting a bit longer than 30 days, mine failed after three or four months. I think it is unacceptable for them to stick such weak saddles on their high-price Unicycles and call them the best saddle there is. I hope there will be no such problems with future KH saddles, and I suggest anyone considering purchasing one waits until the new ones are released, or else be very gentle when pulling up on the handle.

broken kh velo seat.jpg

Also another thing to note is that Rowans and Bens saddles both have sags in the cover. Who ever staples down the covers doesn’t do a very good job of it.