Bad fall.

How do you cut yourself on the FRAME???

You must posess some magical powers.

I guess it was just a freak accident…I actually have no clue. I guess thats what I get for doing crankflips down a long 4 set.

well, now at least you’ll have a scar to tell stories about…
“well, i was running from the rabid neo-nazi KKK when i snagged myself in a barbed wire fence. I tore the wire from my skin and kept running, turning to shoot quick bursts with my m-16 and to throw the occasional pineapple…”

hahahahahahaha sorry about the leg i also have no uning and long wait to about a month tell riding agian so yea i feel yea man not the pain but no riding

your leg, it so pouty.


i can see it if the cap of the frame came off, that would leave quite a cutable surface.

When i hurt myself last winter, hitting an ice-spot and fell, landing with my hand in a quite strange angle under my hip (the top of my fingers, allmost touched the top of my hand, so to say…), the people at the emergency were all like “that’s what happends when you try unicycle!”, all in a friendly way, but it’s quite fun to hear…

The next day when i came to x-ray it, when i stated my name… She was like “You’re that unycycling-guy at the emergency last night, aren’t you?” And that’s in a whole diferent department of the hospital!

Nothing broken tough!

Did you get any comments about the nature of your injury? :wink:

BraveSirStupid: Is pouty a good thing?

lleberg: Not many comments. They just thought I was learning to ride it. Then I told them I was jumping down steps and they were just like Oh. Not much of a positive or negative response.

One of the medics did say i needed two wheels instead of one. And i was like. Nah.

i too have been out on rehabe sence friday, all be riding agien on thuresday!!! I had surgery on my nose!

wow men thats weird… well get better soon men