Bad attitude?

What do you think of this little conversation Evan and I had? Does he have a bad attitude or what?

Byrnetown: Glide is sooooo easy!
unicycledude93: so what
Byrnetown: so your not good at all
unicycledude93: I never said it was very hard
unicycledude93: ???
unicycledude93: why do you say those things?
Byrnetown: no reason to post beginner videos
Byrnetown: and your uni Fargin sucks
unicycledude93: I don’t practice tooo much, and trust me I’m better than a lot of people
Byrnetown: ahhahaha
Byrnetown: no
Byrnetown: your just a fargin beginer
unicycledude93: what’s wrong with my uni?
Byrnetown: bad frame, bad rim, bad post, bad pedals, unsplined hub making it horrible
unicycledude93: it’s a freestyle unicycle, it’s not supposed to be strong
Byrnetown: yes it is
Byrnetown: your not better than anyone i know
Byrnetown: name one person
unicycledude93: Mercyme
Byrnetown: well…he started at christmas and is getting close to as good as you
unicycledude93: Steve Dekeokeok
unicycledude93: Yoopers
Byrnetown: haha, those are old guys
unicycledude93: Abby Dekeokeok
Byrnetown: what do you expect
Byrnetown: ok, youv named 2 people
unicycledude93: I think we’ll see what the people on the forums think about this little discussion.
Byrnetown: okey

The point is you have a bad uni and bad skils

Re: Bad attitude?

Hey! Settle down, now. I’m not old, I was just born at a very early age.

Byrnetown: a true freestylist can do atleast stand up ww, or glide, let alone, coast
unicycledude93: I can glide
Byrnetown: stand up? nice, im impressed
unicycledude93: and I can almost standup wheelwalk
unicycledude93: oh no not standup glide
unicycledude93: I am working on ww
unicycledude93: standup ww that is
unicycledude93: and you can’t even do it
Byrnetown: bull crap!
i did more on my first try than you did in your video
unicycledude93: yea because my video sucket
unicycledude93: and I’ve practiced a lot more
unicycledude93: since that vid
Byrnetown: oh boy!
unicycledude93: so if I get standup wheelwalk down I’m positive you’ll just spout out another “that’s just the easiest trick ever” comment like you always do.
Byrnetown: can you even fargin seat drag?\
unicycledude93: nope
Byrnetown: hahahahahahah
Byrnetown: haahhaahhaaha
Byrnetown: ahahahahahahaha
Byrnetown: Blocked for your retartedness.
Byrnetown signed off at 9:52:14 AM.

Well, what i mean is highly addvanced skilz are not usualy expected from older people(methinks)

Ah, Poor tyler, has to get some people to back him up. sigh


This is really immature of both Evan and Tyler. Do us ALL a favor and keep that stuff off the forum.

Evan, just so you know, he’s definitely far better than me at freestyle riding. and I’m 16, he’s 11, I’ve been riding for three years, he hasn’t…yeah, Tyler is a great unicyclist, and he’s improving pretty flippin’ fast. you’re pretty dumb if you think his freestyle uni is bad because of all the things you named, which actually you only pointed out one specific that’s bad, which is an unsplined hub. freestyle unicycles don’t need splined hubs, that’s usually worse because they’re heavier. you’re just being mean for no reason Evan, you know that Tyler is better than a lot of unicyclists, ESPECIALLY for his age. sounds to me like you’re jealous at how good he’s gotten at freestyle riding in such a short time, and you’re being mean to him because of that. you POOPHEAD Evan.

He is better than me at freestyle no doubt. His unicycle is way cool. I think that he has improved alot since i first saw him post on here.

Dont Hate the player, hate the game. ( I don’t know if that applies here.)

Sorry about that Sabin. I’ll try to keep this off the forums next time, but evan really ticked me off and I wanted to see what the community thought of it. Again I appologize.

Good, I’m glad you understand that. on another note, Are you comming to the Uniques Demo in Redmond this Saturday?

It is easier to receive forgiveness than permission applies only so many times. Think, then act. Don’t act, then apologize. This seems to be a recurring theme.

Greg, I kinda think I know what you’re getting at but not quite. I didn’t really understand the first part; could you rephrase that?

Oh and Sabin, I don’t think I will because we’ve got other plans.


How about this:

That it is easier to receive forgiveness than permission applies only so many times.

A relatively new or old saying (depending) is that “it is easier to receive forgiveness than it is to get permission.” This suggests one should just go ahead without considering the consequences and do as they like.

tyler he’s saying that doing something like this REPEATEDLY makes people not want to forgive you. your pattern is 1) do something annoying/stupid/uncalled for 2) stick with it for a little while, until some of the “older” people on here call you on it 3) beg forgiveness.

harper’s point is most of us are tired of forgiving you. we’d really like it if you’d stop doing stupid shit like this. think first then post. don’t post first then ask forgiveness.

Okay, this again is going to sound like asking forgiveness, but I really will stop this and I get the picture. I definitely understand and I will think before posting from now on.

Re: Bad attitude?

Originally posted by UniTyler
Byrnetown: name one person
unicycledude93: Mercyme

Byrnetown: well…he started at christmas and is getting close to as good as you [/B]

Thats awesome, I’m famous, people actually think about me. Tyler that you for uisng me in a negative way (glad your thinking about me) But also Evan I started in April, and I don’t know about California maybe you do Christmas at a different time. And I really don’t want to compete with Tyler or anything, but I am not really into freestyle riding, I am more of a Trials rider. Soo yeah…

And also I love how Evan blocks people. He says why he is blocking them i.e blocked for retardeness, or blocked for lying. Or blocked for being dumb enough to waste your time trying to have a conversation with me, because I really can’t have a conversation with someone without out insulting them. But thanks Evan for using me in your conversation and thank you Tyler for using me in your convesation you guys rock!


Tyler is a decent freestylist, and evan is being cruel. cruelty sucks, so don’t tolerate it. Tyler, if you do believe that all your freestyle skillz suck, and that you suck at uniing in general, that’s your problem. if evan wants to be cruel to you and say you suck, block HIM before he blocks you moronically. if he was raising a valid point, he wouldn’t be laughing at the unicycle that you know is perfect for its purpose.

maybe Tyler like others said this is an unnecessary thread, but at least its in JC so its ok with me. And Tyler, dont listen to Evan. Hes probably just trying to make you feel bad about yourself to make himself seem bigger and better. I didnt see your vid (where was it posted by the way? Id actually like to watch!) but from what I heard others say you sound good, and think about it this way, if youre good at 11 at 20 how good will you be? Thats right. Pretty freakin’awesome! I vote YOU block Evan, and not give him the satisfaction of bothering you. Mean Evan.

Jeez, isn’t this why you guys created, so you’d have your own special place to post this puerile crap?