Bad/annoying/funny ect. habits

Confess your habits. I have a very annoying habit of snapping my fingers and cupping my hand to make a pooping noise. I do it all the time and I am slowly trying to get rid of it.

why would u want 2 get rid of those?
my habits: i keep makin music by makin a poppin sound in my mouth by pullin my finger through it( i can vary the tones…dont no y i learned how 2 do that), yellin out random crap that makes no sense except 2 me, and jumpin off high things(don’t ask)

Bite my fingers.

I bite my finger nails, and i hate that.
When I’m with people and I’m bored I’ll check my phone for the time like every three minutes.
Umm, If I’m stationary for more than 5 minutes I’ll hacky sac.


I bite other people’s fingers (strangers that I meet on the street). I’m slowly trying to stop doing that.

Actually, it’s not true. But I do have this habit of making up silly stories.

Actually, that’s not true either. I have no bad habits!

I used to bite my toenails and fingernails, but my braces now prevent me from doing so.

I’ve resorted to picking my fingernails, but my toenails have just been growing like weeds.

Occasionally I will absentmindedly try to bite my fingernails, thus hurting myself with my braces.

Busting caps.

grouching at my dad…

You bust mine I bust yours, Xd

exactly the same as me except i like to jump over stuff i all ready jumped ovr some thing slightly below shoulder hight

I rip my thumbs apart without thinking about it, kindof like biting fingernails I guess.


biting my nails, checking my phone, touching my hair,


thats all i cant think of OH and when people rub carpets i have to tap themARGH ITS HORRIBLE! lol

playing with my phone case… (flicking the back cover on and off)… except i broke it on saturday flicking it… so im thinking i should stop

constantly being paranoid that my uni seat may be slightly twisted :roll_eyes:

Yeah I do that a lot as well, my hair is extremely curly so I play with the little curls sometimes when I’m bored or nervous. And if I’m wearing a hat, I adjust it a lot.

wait, poop sound? how do you do that?

I have really bad back posture.

I often forget to lower my voice when saying things that may be offensive to bystanders.

Fcking pssies can’t handle a few colorful words? Eat sh*t, I say!

Wait, did I say that out loud? Sorry.

I play with my hair…especially if I’m reading or taking a test. And I bite my nails, which I’m trying to stop…sadly, I’ve been trying to stop for quite some time now.

I can’t sit normally in chairs…I am always sitting on my feet, or cross legged or all crunched up in a ball