backwards Torker LX?

I just bought my brand new Torker LX 24", and am assembling it. . . Which side is forward??? If I place the part of the frame that has the “forward” sticker in front of my body, then the sticker that says “L” on both the pedal and the frame are on my right, and the stickers that say “R” are on my left. is this normal?

Ok the aprt of the frame where the slot is at the top where the seat clamp goes. is the back. Put the left on the left side of that and the right on the right.

You need to turn the frame around.

Pictures worth a thousand words. . . is this odd or what? the L is on the R side of the frame?!!!

I think so.

nah I looked it over. . . the L side i think is supposed to be on the right. both the L and R stickers got mixed up; the pedal bolts tighten in the appropriate direction. when i pedal forwards its supposed to tighten them in more, right? if so, I got it. sure is odd for the L to indicate the Right pedals, though.

arright. . . whats the worst that can happen if I get it backwards? how long should it take for that bad to happen? thanks

The pedals can fall out. If the pedals are in there already then just look on the end that is screwed into the crank, it tells you what side it is. As long as the wheel is forward it doesn’t matter if the frame is backwards, just turn the seat the right way.

bah. I went ahead and reversed it all. . . I removed all the little white stickers and went from there. now everything aligns, thanks for your help. time to go break myself on this contraption :wink: