backpacking on a uni?

Thankfully europe is almost entirely devoid of such creatures.

Almost hard to imagine… a place without these creatures. Florida is a beautiful place and a wonderful place for outdoor recreation even with the heat/ humidity.

But the bugs, ah! The BUGS! (and gators, and snakes, and bears, and panthers, and people) :astonished:

thislooks like it would be nice for backpacking. I think that if i go on a trip this is what i would buy.

thisone is cheaper but doesn;t fold up ans tight

I´ve been looking at Hennessy Hammocks for this exact purpose also. They seem awsome!

I’ve used a hammock, although only a webbing one.

They are nice if it’s a perfectly still day, and lovely and warm.

I found with the one I had that if it got at all cold, the fact that you have moving air underneath the hammock makes you super cold compared to lying on the ground.


Thats why Hennessy has the supershelter!

In 2009 i want to go do the high counrty pathway here in michigan. It is a 80 mile long loop thats only 30 minutes from my cottage. It takes the hard core mountainbikers around 11 hours to do this trail and hikers up to a week so i think it will take a munier 2,3 or 4 days to do it. I hope by then one of my friends will have started unicycling.