Awesome 9/11 3D simulation!

check this out!

Wow, that is pretty cool. Shows how much damage a jet can actually do to a building.

that was pretty cool, there were some conspiracy people in the comments…lol

Very cool. But where did they get their detailed information about the breakage of beams and other structural elements? Was that all supposedly pieced together from the building wreckage after the collapse?

Yes, it’s fun listening to the conspiracy theorists dismiss what appears to be an honest attempt to analyze the data at hand. I don’t think I’d want to waste any more time trying to explain stuff to somebody who is clearly not listening.

A little more info:

As a former shipyard worker

I get a kick out of definitive statements like "no steel building has ever collapsed as a result of fire “, or " the fall of these building would be the first time in history that fire has melted steel.”
Have they ever seen what happens if you put a bar of steel in a fire , then try to bend it into the shape of a horseshoe ?

It goes both ways. Many people just dismiss all conspiracy theories or any theory that the government did wrong, usually because some of the claims are far fetched. But the real issue is what did our government know before the attack. Turns out they had almost full knowledge that an attack was going to happen and full knowledge that these terrorists were in the US and that airplane hijackings was the likely situation. They had the intel, but they failed to take preventive action, and the real issue is whether that was intentional or not. In hindsight (of 9/11 aftermath and other historical events), politicians and others seeking more power may do nothing and let an attack happen because it allows them to gain more power quicker as people seem to be willing to give up freedoms for some perceived safety.

they have a similare thing for the JFK assination ,it pretty much proves that there was only one bullet

If you believe the criminal incompetence of the rescue/response after hurricane Katrina was intentional, I am fully willing to accept that the lack of action before 9/11 had a plan to it. Until then, I’m going to rest on the overwhelming evidence of this administration to be not competent before being deliberately anything else.

I have no doubt about that, just the question of whether there was an intent by someone of power in our govt. to “let the cards fall as they may” with the 9/11 attacks. I rather tend to believe that the intelligence-gathering process had been functioning at its non-communicative level, but functioning, for a long time without anyone paying that much attention to them. After 9/11 one of the things the Bush administration may have done right is to greatly raise the “crying wolf” threshold, so we are now more prepared to take warnings seriously.

That was a pretty nice animation, but I was kinda dissapointed by how small scale they showed it… I know they put a lot of work into it, but I dunno… It didn’t look as devastating as the actual videos do, on the outside.

I’m just upset that in this animation you can’t see the plane firing missiles at the tower like in real life :wink:

that would have kicked ass if they rendered it better. ie more realistic. get some decent textures in there or something, geez.

Is it just this administration, or government in general? I read a good article about Katrina that made a good case for government doing exactly what governments do:

Are we? Our government sure isn’t, they just became more bloated.

The best 9/11 video I’ve seen is this one: 9/11: Press for Truth

Not a conspiracy theorizing video (though it definitely leaves it open), but a video that shows a lot of the information that was out there before 9/11 and it follows the Jersey Girls and their struggle to get the government to do an investigation (the 9/11 commission).