Autobots. Decepticons. Trailer!!!

i can’t believe this actually made me excited. But it did :frowning:

the whole theater laughed out loud when tha prevew came on befor pirets of the Caribbean

What?! What do you mean, “you can’t believe it made you excited”? And what’s with the frowny face?!

It’s Transformers! Transformers, man! Woooooo!


it would have been so much better if it came out 12 years ago when i actually liked transformers.

Oooh, I’m so excited my energon cubes are overflowing,

Tranformers is AWESOME! I have the movie poster, and the special edition VHS.

Grew up on that sweet robo-crack. Too bad the trailer sucks… no robots or transforming.

That’s because the movie hasn’t even finished filming yet, so how can you expect the special effects sequences to be done.

It comes out in a year!
This is going to be the biggest over-hyped flop ever!

in the beginning of the preview, when they talked about the mars lander, i thought they were going to make a space movie, and im like “this looks sweet” and then the huge sign that said “TRANSFORMERS” appeared, and im like, gaaaaaahhhhh!!

They have a trailer done… thats how I expect it. The coolest part about transformers is the robots, duh!

I thought it was quite amusing how they worked the failure of the Beagle probe into the trailer.
Not a Transformers fan, but I’ll be keeping a sly eye on this one.
If it’s anything like those car adverts, it should rock. :slight_smile:

notice how none of the voices were british? the beagle probe was a probe from the uk or something.

zfreak220 wrote:

Haha. I don’t really think it matters that there are no British accents. Since when did that stop Hollywood making money over telling a good story? coughU571cough :slight_smile:


Teaser trailers FTL.


I absolutely LOVED this movie!!!

(as a movie guy, there are some very cool things to look at)

This movie is much more ‘adult-themed’ than I was expecting, I wonder how many parents took their kids to the movie and had to explain what masturbating was on the way home?

My wife was dragged to the movie and ended up really liking it as well.

Top notch movie. I’ll be getting the DVD (not to mention going to see it a few more times with various friends) :slight_smile:

Sure there were some non-top notch parts, but overall, I left quite pleased

That masturbation thing was freakin’ hilarious. I would probably die of embarrassment.

I loved the movie too. The CGI was really well-done. It made seeing a Camaro morph into a 40 foot tall robot totally believable.

Not as hilarious as the ‘golden shower’ :slight_smile:

I loved this movie. Megan Fox is gorgeous…and Rachael Taylor’s accent had me drooling. Damn New Zealanders, hogging the cool accent.

Optimus Prime was teh sex.