Ok so as part of the Australian governments attempt to boost the economy it looks like a pretty large proportion of the population will score about a $950aus one off payment in March and April. Now i feel it is my duty to my country to spend most of it and am wondering what to do
I am pretty sure it will all go to unicycle related stuff (i am able to support myself well throughout my university year with work). There are a few things i really want to do this year- Uninats, unicon in wellington, and i really want to get my dream muni set up- am currently half the way there. I just need to get my hands on a schlumpf, cf base and new KH rail-less post.
So what is on your shopping list struggling Australian citizens?
If you’re twelve, might that be because you aren’t a taxpayer yet? In the US we all pay sales tax on stuff we buy, but that sort of thing is usually reserved for the payers of income tax; the big bucks.
Yay! finally. Mill mobile got the idea. I don’t want your opinion on whether it will work or not, or the ethics behind it. Lets here some more hard core consumerism! Best idea gets a cyber prize… ie nothing,
far out- the last thing these forums need is another person getting their knickers in a knot about grammar. Get off your high horse Mt High and come play in the dirt. Are you guys going to make it to Uninats? Will be fun to ride with some people again. Mt high- are you just a roadie rider (i remember seeing some pics of your green Nimbus) or do you ride other styles as well? Same question to you Mill mobile.
I apologise for my offensive use of the english language at the moment. I have been speaking and hearing only arabic for the last 3 months so its probably a bit dusty.
My roadie refers to 2 wheels
I mainly ride that these days and the uni has taken a bit if a back seat.
When i uni i ride street mainly, nothing too good though!
And, if i misread… 2 wheels… yeah, road riding is all i do, have been meaning to go DH with a mate for a while on his spare bike but haven’t gotten round to it yet.
No uninats for me… Not at this stage anyway!
I mainly ride the 36er at the moment; mostly road, bike path and rail trail with some light XC depending on where I go. I also do some freestyle and play hockey on the 24 when I go to the museum meetings (once a month). The giraffe gets some occaisional use, mainly just cruising up and down outside my house.
I won’t make it to UniNats this year but will be in Tasmania afterwards for some riding down there. I am really looking forward to riding Tassie.