Australian Beer

u started the bagging of the aussie beer, thats wat im talking about!!

Don’t they teach you guys to read down there anymore?

It’s all in good fun tho.
And at least you guys serve your beer cold.

“Cold” no iced.
I lived for some time in Australia and could’nt get accustomed to iced beer. it made my teeth grit.
I am wondering how you can feel the taste of something at that temperature.
I love beer at the temperature of the third step of the stairs going down to my cave (Czech tip)
-sorry french-ism “cave” may something like basement in proper english :frowning: (or is it?)

ahaha yea i know, i really dont understand how beer can be served cold,
its sposed to be a refreshing drink!! I hate it wen my beer goes warm, i cant handle to drink it lol, but i guess its just another self preference thing :roll_eyes:

Yep, basement. I don’t think anyone likes warm beer. Warm = flat = pap. It’s a common misconception that British ale is served warm. It’s served at cellar (basement) temperature, it’s only badly run cellars that dispense warm beer.

I work in a lovely pub with the best selection of beer in town. We serve the bog standard Carling, Stella, Strongbow, worthingtons etc but we also have wondrous things like Erdinger, Krombacher and Cruzcampo on tap. We also have 5 pumps for proper beer. 3 guest pumps which change every week or so, one for Worthingtons and one called Ale Force made by the Storm brewing company, a Macclesfield brewery run by a wonderful bloke called Dave Stebbins. He came to Glastonbury with us a few years ago and brought with him several large water carriers full of various Storm brews. Dave is a great bloke not only for his beer brewing prowess but…he can also ride a unicycle! I’m trying to get him back into riding and drag him along to a uni-meet. My favourite beer of his is called Silk of Amnesia. If you ever come across it try a pint and drink it with the satisfying knowledge that it was made by a man with the one wheeled knowledge.

You have such a turn of phrase Kit.

some beers can be drunk at room temperature (that does not mean warm but not fresh either).
There is no such thing like a beer for all events.
There are beers to drink on social events and beers to drink after two hours panting on a unicycle.
There are beers to drink when the temperature is scorching, and beers to drink while an icy gale is blowing outside.
I do not like beers with “sugary” after -taste (many belgian offenders here) …
a pity Germany was obliged to change its law on the “purity of beer”!
some of their local beers are tremendous (but you can’t keep them for a long time in a cellar)

in France a “Kronenbourg muscle” is a reference to a local brand: it is slang meaning a bulging belly.

Well maybe if you didn’t export and agressively market such rubbish all around the world cough FOSTERS cough, the whole world might not think you’re a bunch of uncultured urine imbibers. Don’t worry, Budweiser has done it to the Americans too, you’re not alone. SA might have bad beers, but I’ve never had one forced upon me…


yeah that is true but has aussie forced their beers upon u ?? :thinking:

oh yes!

  1. while “socialising” after office hours (a nightmare! I started to pay for the beer just to have an excuse to leave early)
  2. ever been thru “third” half-time with rugby players from down under? :stuck_out_tongue:

[forces a Castle Lager on Loosemoose]Just levelling the playing field.[/forces a Castle Lager on Loosemoose]