attention spokane wn people

do any of u know a guy named will brandenburg hes like 18 and from spokane

I dont know him.

how big is spakane?

Big enough that they had to respell the name.

Actually, yeah. It used to be called Spokan Falls but then they changed it to Spokane.
But I don’t know him. If you do, tell him to get on the forums.

i dont know him hes a future pro skier

Gawd this is a dumb thread…

So he doesn’t even unicycle? Why are you asking here? Go to a Spokane Pro Skiers Forum or something.


Only time will tell.

I dont know the names of any of the skaters, here. A lot of them brag though, cause they have sponsorships, and its annoying, cause then you expect them to do some pretty big drops, gaps, and technical tricks, but they never do, and its kind of embarrassing sometimes.