attacked by dogs

My only time with bad dogs was all on the same weekend a couple Christmases ago. I think part of the reason for the problems that weekend was I was in a rural area where more dogs are off-leash or not fenced.

I have had no trouble since either but most of my riding is urban where there are strict leash laws or fenced yards. I sometimes let my lab run loose on off-road rides, she is not bothered by other bikes or unicycles.

In my pre-driving bicycle days there were a couple neighborhood dogs that would chase and nip, I rode with boots so my foot often went down their mouth to discourage their behavior. Can’t do that well on a uni unless you can one-foot really good.

I think it’s fair that if there is any question whether the aggressive behavior will lead to a bite, a dismount and pre-emptive strike is in order.

man if i was attacked by dogs woulda goten off and started running.

Yes, because moving at a slower speed would help. :roll_eyes:

huh? i know i can run at a sprint faster than when i ride my uni.

But that would mean that you’d have to leave your uni behind, wouldn’t it?

I’d probably try to climb a fence or fight them off with my uni if I couldn’t find one. I’m kinda afraid of dogs sometimes.

thats very freaky

it sound as if many of you have the same problems as i have always have. I have lived with dogs all my life and have never lived in a house without one, but as soon i began to ride a unicycle evrydog dog i passed in the street or saw at home barked at me when i’m riding it. i think it must be because they dont understand it becuse it is a completley different shape, i dunno but its wierd.

James (any bristol, england unicyclists out there?)

Must explain why I get attacked everytime I go riding, I live in a very Rural area where most people have Gaurd dogs that they feal locking up to be optional…I have had a tire poped from a pitbul trying to get to my leg, I have several times used my muni as a bat…I think I once gave a dog a small cuncusion when I finally had to actually hit one with my uni nailing him across the head with my Jimmy C. But hay I got out unharmed…I have found my best Dog defending method is one foot riding…BOOT TO DA HEAD! You give them a swift kick with a loud NO and you never stop riding…Thats how I roll lol. I know it may sound cruel but get bit as many times as I have by gaurd dogs who think unicycles should not be on streets 5 miles near there dog house!

Edit: Ohh and zfreak…Nice sig :smiley:


Never had a problem with dogs while riding my unis (other than incessant barking) but I had problems when riding my scooter (a 1946 Cushman Husky) when I was a teenager in Montgomery, AL. The scooter was so slow that most of the dogs could outrun me. I started carrying a squirt gun with household ammonia in it. That took care of the problem in a hurry.

Hey, I know this thread is a bit old, but if it helps, I have noticed that dogs usually attack or chase if you go really fast. You can try it, pass by a dog walking and usually they don’t care, do the same running and that make some of them crazy… What I always do is going really slowly and it has worked even with wild dogs.

I agree, moving slowly definitely helps. When I was doing 25 miles on a trail near my house, I encountered some rather aggressive looking dogs (Not because of breed - their teeth were bared.) I considered speeding past them, but decided I could never get away if they ran at me, so I slowed to about 3 mph (In my opinion, rather difficult on a 36er, on such a bumpy trail as that was, focusing on two dogs, a bike lock in my left hand and a water bottle in my right) and they didn’t give me any trouble. Their teeth disappeared from my sight, and back into their mouths as I passed. Had they attacked I wouldn’t have had a problem, being that my group of bicyclists was only few hundred feet back… but they still frightened me.

Yes, usually slowing down helps, but actually the only time dog bit me was when I was going uphill and I was riding very slow.