Athlete's Foot from Slickrock campground showers?

Anyone else developing the ole’ stinky toes? I just noticed i had it today. It has been a while; long enough that i can’t remember the last time i had it.

oh well

ewwwwwww nasty :astonished:

man go see a doctor

Ewww, well yeah get some anti-fungal cream or something at least, I took several showers at the campground everyone was staying at, in most all of the showers I thikn my feet are ok I never really look at them much though, let me check…OMG!!! There fine…

Feet need attention, like pets or unicycles.

I usually put ridiculous amounts of foot powder in my shoes to keep my feet dry and happy, and sometimes I put foot powder in my socks, and always directly on my feet.

After returning home from an activity that got my feet all sweaty (like unicycling, walking, running, going to school…) I put more foot powder on my feet and change into some clean socks.

Doing this I haven’t had any problems for over a year (except for the coating of foot powder all over my room, but that’s another story).

I think you may be over doing it…

I once got jock itch from sharing a bottle of Butt’r (lubricant for your bike shorts/rear end) on a x-country bike ride. That sucked.

i always get it from skiing but i found that pwder preventts it and the inside of a banna heals that and poisen ivy

if your not useing thongs in public showers, your asking for it.

And by “thongs” he means flip-flops - not underwear :wink:

Howdy Mango,

Long time no see!

Get some of this stuff: Zeasorb-AF Wash your feet in the shower, dry them throughly, apply the Zeasorb-AF liberally, then put on your socks. Not only does it have antifungal medicine but the powder is made of these cellulose grains that help to absorb a lot of moisture. Works well.

If any of you suffer from sweaty feet issues other than atletes foot, try the plain version. This stuff has done wonders for my feet.


Well if he is wearing those kind of thongs then he is asking for it, what you dont want to know…

there is a reason i always keep my flip flops on when i go to a public shower like that

Hah. I just added that little picture to get a stir out of you guys :stuck_out_tongue: !
I actually just found the pic on google. My crap was nowhere near as bad.

If anyone cares, i got some cheap spray at the store, and its already gotten rid of the stuff. good

Thanks for the advice on the thongs and such. Now i Know.

Hi Matt. Long time no see is right!

Have a nice day everyone!

your welcome, i learned that from living in multi family housing.

Damn, Mango, I hope you never get an STD. :astonished:

that picture was rather disturbing