Ask it anything - Well almost anything

I searched and did not see this mentioned yet.

The web site is described as a Computational Knowledge Engine

This link is to about a 13 minute tour of what it can do. I think all but the most jaded will be impressed by this.

I’m at a loss at how to describe it.

But I plugged in ‘Placerville Weather’ and got 43 fields of information. Current, forecast, and historical with graphs and charts.

I know that is not all that amazing, but watch the videocast and see if you don’t have some level of amazement at what it can do and that it does them at one site.

But its pretty easy to stump as well. “how many bicyclists in California” stumped it. Though just typing ‘unicycle’ gave a few results.

Any way its kinda cool to enter terms and see what it spits out.

I use this quite a bit.

I enjoy figuring out how many calories are in my meals and how long it is between landing new tricks (like from 3spin to 5spin).:smiley:

seems pretty accurate.

It’s helpful with graphing equations, I don’t use it for much else.

there are 1.818 million Thomas’ in the US.
I am going to visit and mess up the stats.

Darn - only 814,104 living Eric’s

Does that make me a minority?

what is the meaning of life?

input interpretation: Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

result: 42

At least it knows the correct answer.