Hey Ben, we’ll be there for sure, plan to camp down by the lake to be closer to the action. Maybe it won’t rain…
Just sent in my registration… I’m planning to arrive on Thursday afternoon. Is anyone else getting there early? My family is staying home this year so if anyone wants to share a site with me I am happy to split the cost with you. I look forward to meeting everyone.
Registered, Paid, and counting down the days. It’ll be nice to see some people again and meet some others “again for the first time.” Munisano, good to hear your crowded vacation schedule works out after all.
T Minus 45,
John M
Still planning on coming, not sure when I’ll get there Friday, probably later (I’m having to work some crazy hours to make up for my pending Greece trip). You all should have no trouble whipping my butt as I haven’t had a serious MUni ride since February! I’ve had too much going on in my primary sport, ultra-running. Right now the trail conditions are great around here, but it’s been triple digit heat index and so for me no fun to go ride. Still I wouldn’t miss the MUniFest, just try not to laugh too hard at my lack of skill.
Ready to Roll
Registered and Paid! Jarrett and I cant wait to ride those great trails again.
See everyone Soon,
Advertise Event
Hey Ben! Do you mind if I advertise this event at my new meetup group at www.NCUnicycling.com? I would like to get a group together to carpool for this event. Thanks Ben.
I went to register and had some sticker shock!
Why so much for registration?
Does it include camping?
I was also wondering if the registration included camping. I would like to organize a group out that way. Thanks.
Just registered! I can’t wait!
Feel free to spread the word!!!
Hello Ben,
I am sorry that MUni fest costs more this year than last year. Our goal is to simply break even at the end of the weekend. Last year we lost money. Additional money was needed this year to cover event registration with Pisgah National Forest and to purchase insurance. You can expect the same as last year as far as the event goes. Camping is not included in the event registration.
We’ve added an easier way to make your payment using PayPal on our website for your convenience.
Hey Ben, maybe the festival could be less formal, more like a group of riders getting together to hang out, camp, ride, etc…
I’ve organized more than a few such events, and with such a small group, paying for insurance is going to be prohibitive because the cost is spread out among fewer riders.
If we were to simply pick a date and we all showed up, paid for our own camp sites, brought our own food, and used a white elephant gift exchange for the “race”, there would be no reason to even tell the campground of forest service that we’re doing anything out of the norm.
All I’m saying is that $75 is more than most people can afford, esp considering we’re all traveling a long ways and already paying for gas, lodging, etc…
Just something to think about.
It looks like I’ll be able to make the ride along with my wife (Karen), but all the kids have to play at the football game on Friday night.
Another thing to consider is having the event when school is out, say in mid June. I know a number of kids, mine included, as well as some teachers, who can’t attend a festival in September. You might get better turn out from afar.
See you there!
Thanks for the input Ben. You have brought up great suggestions that I’ll be sure to bring to the next committee meeting. I’m really glad that you’ll be able to make it to the festival this year. Can’t wait to ride with you!
I’ll be there!
Wasn’t sure until recently what I’d be doing this fall but I got a paid research position here at U of L so I’m pumped to come ride with everyone again, and defend my title!
Can’t wait to see you Ben!!! I’m really glad to hear you’re going to make it.
Important changes!!!
After considerable debate, the organizers of Asheville MUni Fest have decided to change the location of the festival. The change was made due to permit usage issues in the Bent Creek Area. This means two things for you.
We have reserved a group campsite for everyone! YEAH! Your registration fee now covers this cost. It means you have to spend less money
- and you don’t need to worry about making campsite reservations. The group site is called COVE CREEK GROUP CAMPSITE #2 and is located near Brevard, just south of Asheville.
The campsite is very large and can hold approximately 150 people and 15 vehicles. There is a short hike to get to the campground and the campground is for tents only. If you wish to bring an RV you might consider making reservations at the DAVIDSON RIVER CAMPGROUND.
We are very excited about the new location as there are many great trails in this area to ride! The possibilities are endless. . .
Please send questions if you have any!
I am very excited about the new location. That is a fantastic area to ride, camp, and hike. I’m looking forward to this event.
I’m looking forward to filming the race and the rides afterwards. I will be bringing five head cams with helmet mounts, chest mounts, and a camera boom. Everyone is welcome to test these head cams.
We should be able to put together a pretty exciting video.
Sounds like fun, Josh. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to meeting everyone. How many people are you expecting, Ben?
Sorry I won’t be able to attend this year after all. All the best, I wish you a rain free event this year! Hopefully I’ll be able to attend next year. Drop me a line if any of you guys ever plan on riding in my range (Chattanooga, North Georgia, Birmingham, Huntsville, etc…).
We expect about 30 riders. We are still pretty small - spread the word!