article wanted from New York Times of 3/30

I’m subscribed to the NYT podcast, which reported that todays paper had an article on “The wheel of steel” of Bella Nock (Switserland) that is being booked for $100K by Feld Entertainment (Ringling, Disney on Ice).
Can someone e-mail me a scan of this article?

Leo, the article is available here:

Or are you saying you want a scan from the physical print newspaper? (If so, sorry, I can’t help.)

No I just wanted to read the article. Thanks for finding it for me, I should have know I could address my question directly to you.

The wheel of death was originally invented by a Dutch TV producer (in the days that in Holland nobody even knew what a producer was). In the early 80’s his sons, “The Peeters Brothers”, performed it at Ringling as well (when circus was more circus-like).
At the NYT podcast “The wheel of steel” was anounced it as being a total new concept. But as in classic circus you hardly ever see anything real new, so I wasn’t that surprised it’s just an adjustment.
Many years ago I performed with Bello Nock’s grandfather in the “Circus of Stars” TV show.
Anyway this act sound like to keep an eye on it’s developments.

Bytheway, have a look at the multimedia presentation that explains the gravity stuff. I’m sure you can unicycle in or on it, still I’ve never seen it (mostly because of the tight space I think).